
It has been a while since I have been here at the blog, but while the blog has been quiet, my life has been so full. God has had, and still has, me on a journey of drawing closer to Him, leaning into His Sovereignty for my life, and learning to trust Him more deeply. He has done this using many tools, one of which is memorizing Scripture.

Memorizing Scripture has been something I have done off and on for years…usually more off than on! I know the value of hiding God’s Word in my heart, but I had allowed myself to grow lazy and complacent regarding that spiritual discipline. I hope what I share in this video will encourage you to meditate on and memorize God’s truth in Scripture. (If you are reading this post via email, please click HERE to be taken to my website where you can view the video.)

I have been deeply troubled concerning several high-profile influencers who are renouncing their faith in Jesus Christ and walking away from what they once, supposedly, believed and even preached. How does this happen? How can we prevent it from happening in our own hearts?

While I do not know the entirety of the answer, I do know that staying close to Jesus through prayer and His Word is   key. I hope this video encourages you in your walk with Christ.

Why I Began Memorizing Scripture and How It Changed My World


Friend, if you are not subscribed to my semi-monthly email communication, please do it today. Twice a month, give or take, I send out a Conversations with Leah email to my subscribers. In the email I offer five conversation starters that I hope will encourage you to reply to my email and continue the conversation with me.

Conversation topics have ranged from what method of coffee brewing we use to favorite Bible verses. It is a fun and engaging opportunity for me to get to know you better and vice versa. If you would like to sign up to participate, please CLICK HERE. Once you are on my main website page, scroll to the bottom of the page and complete the “Connect with Leah” box and click “Sign Me Up”. I look forward to entering into conversation with you.



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Why I Began Memorizing Scripture and How It Changed My World
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