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Somehow it crept up on me…the fact that Greg and I are old enough to have a child getting married. I knew it would eventually happen, but so soon?

It seems like only yesterday that Charlie was 3 years old and riding in the back of the car in his car seat.

It was only yesterday that he was playing t-ball, and wandering through Toys R Us wishing for more toys, even though he had mountains of them.

Surely it was only a few days ago that he got his driver’s license, giving him the opportunity to use them and drive to see us rather than Greg driving 4 hours each way every other weekend (for 16 years) to see him.

It had to be only a month or so ago that we watched Charlie receive his high school graduation diploma and go off to Tulsa, Oklahoma to college.

It was only yesterday that he graduated from college and began to look for a job.

Now, it is today, he is 26 years old and married to a lovely young woman who gives him strength in the places he lacks it. Hopefully, he does the same for her.

We spent four days in Texas recently doing all things wedding. Greg’s parents, his sister, Angie, our girlie, Bree, and her beau, Brooks, our nephew, Kalem, and his new wife, Erika, our dear friends, Robert and Cindy Thomas, Greg and I all flew out to watch Charlie and Morgan say “I Do”. It was a very busy and HOT few days that culminated in a beautiful wedding ceremony and reception on Saturday evening.

I thought I would share a few pictures with you. These are ones that I took with my iPhone so that I would have memories captured until the professional pics are ready. So here we go:

The wedding ceremony took place in a stunning early 1900’s church that has been restored in the past few years. Appropriately enough, it is called Old Church Restored and is located in Whitesboro, TX, which is about an hour away from where Charlie and Morgan will be living. The pics really do not do it justice, so here is a LINK to the website.





I got several pictures of our family before the ceremony, but failed to get any of us with Morgan, our new daughter-in-love. Stink!! I guess those will have to come with the professional pics. So, here are some of our family prior to the wedding.

Greg, Charlie and me


Greg and Charlie


Charlie, Bree, me, and Greg


Greg’s parents, Charles and Betty, and his sister, Angie Burns


The wedding reception was held at Morgan’s grandparents’ lake home and except for the heat, was magical.




Brooks and Bree. Yes, we were the table of red-necks that ate the table decorations! Here is Brooks dissecting a pomegranate.


Kalem and Erika Burns




I cannot say enough about how blessed we are to have these wonderful people as friends. We love you, Robert and Cindy.




Cindy and I had not taken a picture together in years, so we took the opportunity to have one snapped. I love it.


Thanks for letting me share a bit of our wonderful wedding weekend with you. I’ll be back next week with a post about a visit I had recently with a delightful 94 year young lady. Until then, I want to encourage you to consider joining me at the 2018 Come Away {retreat} for women. Click HERE to learn more about it.



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