

God: Do you trust me?


You: Me? Do I trust you? Well, of course, I do.


God: How much do you trust me?


You: I trust you completely, Lord.


God: Really? Do you trust me with your marriage?


You: Sure I do.


God: Then why are you always trying to change your husband?


You: Well, umm, maybe I need a little work on that. But, he needs to change.


God: Hmmm, he’s not the only one. Do you trust me with your money?


You: I tithe, don’t I? That should count.


God: Yes, you do and that does count, but do you give until it hurts or just until it pinches a bit?


You: I could give more. I will give more!


God: Do you trust me with your health? What if I allowed you to be diagnosed with cancer or some other devastating disease? Would you trust me then?


You: Wow! Lord, that’s pretty heavy. I can’t understand why you would allow that. It doesn’t seem like it would work out too well. Surely you wouldn’t do that at my age. I’m still young and I’ve got lots of life left to live.


God: I’m not saying I am going to do that. I’m just asking would you still trust me if I did OR if I allowed it to happen to your child?


You: ___________________________________________________________________________________


Do you trust God with everything and in all situations? Can you echo Job’s words from Job 13: 15 (NKJV):


Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.


MEDITATION MOMENT: Do you have a ‘though He slay me, yet will I trust Him’ kind of faith in God? 

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