


O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You.” 2 Chronicles 20: 12

What does the ‘multitude’ look like that is coming against you? You may not have a huge army advancing toward you like the ancient Israelites did, but your ‘multitude’ is just as real and just as frightening.

Your ‘multitude’ may be a cancer diagnosis, a foreclosure notice, a pink slip from your job, or a spouse’s words of ‘I just don’t love you anymore’. Any of these would surely feel like a multitude coming against you.

A wayward child, the death of a loved one, or perhaps just a usual day’s worth of worries and troubles piled on top of those from previous days. A ‘multitude’ can take many forms. Just because one person’s multitude seems trivial to another makes it no less a ‘multitude’ for the soul watching it advance.

So, what do you do about this great multitude coming against you? The magnitude of it is too large for you to truly do much about it in your own strength. You cannot see how you can stand against this advancing multitude. Do what the Israelites did. Do what hundreds and thousands who have gone before you have done.

Shift your gaze from the ‘multitude’ and onto the One who is able to do something about it. Focus your eyes on God. Resist the urge to allow the ‘multitude’ to be your object of focus. Instead, fix your eyes and heart on God. He has the power to deal with whatever is pressing in upon you. He is able to deliver you from or through that multitude. Make a choice to place your eyes on Him.

MEDITATION MOMENT: Is there a multitude advancing against you? What practical steps can you take today to shift your gaze from the multitude and onto God?

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