The well from which I draw my words to write seems to have dried up. I ponder something to write, but nothing flashes like lightening through my brain and to my fingertips. What few words I come up with seem dull and boring in comparison to the inspirational pieces other authors seem to be producing. If I am completely truthful, I am on the cusp of just giving it up all together. However, the Lord has not released me from this calling, so I wait.
This morning as He and I were walking and chatting about this dearth of words, He gave me a thought to chew on….not a new thought, but one that simply needed to be pulled out of the archives and considered more intently.
“Leah, you may not have words right now, but I do. Sixty-six books full of them. Use them in this season.”
Ok, I will. The first verse I want to ponder over is this one:
“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, that you and your descendants might live!” Deuteronomy 30:19 (NKJV)
This verse seems to be a no-brainer at first blush. Who wouldn’t choose life over death? What person in their right mind would choose curses over blessings?
The reasonable next questions are: What choices bring life and blessings? What choices bring death and curses?
When we begin to consider these questions, we see that perhaps this was not a no-brainer after all.
Life and blessings choices: Follow God. Obey God. Love God. Allow the Holy Spirit to live through us. Live with character and integrity. Walk in holiness. Share Jesus with other people.
Death and curses: Do your own thing. Treat God as if He is not important. Live to please yourself (selfish). Make poor character choices. Engage in profanity, adultery, lying, cheating, stealing, and immodest dress. Abuse your body through food, drugs, alcohol.
Hmmm, which are you choosing?
You may be thinking, “Leah, what I do is my own business. It doesn’t affect anyone but me.”
Oh, contrare! Glance back at the last part of the verse above. ‘Choose life, THAT YOU AND YOUR DESCENDANTS MAY LIVE.’ We are talking children, grandchildren, great grands, etc. Your choices today will directly impact your family tomorrow and decades in the future. My choices today will directly impact my family tomorrow and decades in the future.
Heaven and earth are waiting. What will be your choice? Life and blessing? Death and curses?
Each of us must choose wisely.