
Ten years ago when I stepped into ministry I never could have dreamed the path on which that call would take me. There have been amazing highs, and painful lows…but really, isn’t that just how life is?

If I can be completely honest with you I always thought ministry would look like standing on a stage speaking to groups, both large and small. On that stage is where I feel most comfortable, yet pretty early in ministry God made it clear that the stage was only to be a portion of how I would serve in His kingdom.

A few years in, He led me to write….a blog, a book, a Bible study or three. The writing led to some opportunities to speak on stages. I felt complete and excited to be able to serve the Lord in these ways.

Then, something else happened. God began to draw in and draw down my ministry. There was less stage and more face-to-face time with women. Mentoring younger women, and a few older ones, became part of my ministry. Tasting Grace mentoring in the kitchen ministry was born, as was Tasting Grace, the Bible study. Now, surely I was where God desired for me to be!

Ah, but no. God seems to have a penchant for change.


Change A Child's Life Through Compassion


In today’s short video I am sharing with you the latest ministry opportunity the Lord has laid before me. He has flung wide the door to another amazing ministry. Through Compassion International’s Child Sponsorship ministry I can blend my passion for speaking and sharing God’s love with the opportunity to mentor and encourage others. Words cannot begin to express how excited and humbled I am about this opportunity to partner with Compassion. Please click the video link to learn more.

If you are reading this post via email, please click HERE to be taken to my website where you can view the video.



Would your church or group be interested in hearing more about Compassion’s Child Sponsorship program? Would you be interested in hosting a Compassion Sunday in your church? If so, please use the form on my speaking page to contact me and I will happily share more information with you about how we can make this happen. You can also email me at info@leahadams.org.

Click the link below to see the faces of beautiful children who are waiting for sponsors!



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