

What do You think of me, Lord?

Who am I to You?

 Have you ever asked yourself these questions? I had not….until recently.

John Eldredge, in his book Waking the Dead, tells of a time when he was challenged by the Lord to ask these very questions. He was struggling with his calling and needed some reassurance of God’s plan and purpose for his life.

Oh my!

Because I found myself in the same place with regard to my calling, I was profoundly affected by the questions. That still-small voice of God encouraged me to ask Him these same questions.

I spent the following days and weeks inquiring of the Lord. It was an intense time for me and I’m sure my family and friends sensed that something was up. However, I could not give voice or words to what was going on in my heart. I simply needed some reassurance from my Jesus. You’ve been there, haven’t You?

What do You think of me, Lord? Who am I to You?

I did not want to be guilty of ‘putting words in the Lord’s mouth’ and ‘hearing’ what I wanted to hear. With my whole heart, I desired to hear from Him.

I knew that:

  • I was and am the daughter of the King of Kings.
  • He captures all my tears and knows my every fear and anxiety.
  • I was and am his precious possession.
  • He loved me enough to give His very life for me.

I knew all this, but I sensed God had something else to share with me. Something just between the two of us. Something that would create one of those special Daddy-daughter, Father-child moments. So, I prayed, waited and listened.

Finally, He spoke.

“Chosen. You are chosen to serve Me and my children in this generation.”

“Chosen” means to be selected, to be preferred, to be special. To be chosen assumes the One doing the choosing has a reason and purpose for choosing that particular person.

In that moment, I heard the Lord say to me, “Leah, I, the Lord, have chosen you, selected you, preferred you for a special task that only you can accomplish with my help. I cannot show you, in this moment, everything for which I have chosen you. So you must trust me. Trust my calling. Trust my choosing. Trust my heart to know what is best. Trust that I will enable and empower you for that which I have chosen you. Trust me, Leah. You are my precious, chosen child.”

“What do You think of me, Lord? Who am I to You?

I am chosen by You, called by You, loved by You, empowered by You.

Chosen. What sweetness and bliss!!

MEDITATION MOMENT: Have you ever asked God what He thinks of you? Who you are to Him? If not, ask Him. I bet His answer will be a source of wonder and give you a sense of security, just as it was to me. 

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