


Welcome back to Thyatira! The letter to the church at Thyatira is the longest of the seven letters, hence our three week study of it.

Here are the links to the first two weeks:

Part 1 

Part 2


Now, let’s jump in and finish up our study of Thyatira.

Promises Jesus Made to Thyatira

  • There were those in the congregation who had remained faithful, and the Lord spoke words of encouragement to them. He told them to hold fast until He comes and He would reward them for their faithfulness.
  • If ‘Jezebel’ doesn’t not repent (which it appears she has not), Jesus says He will cast her on a bed of suffering. The original Greek did not include the words ‘of suffering’ or ‘of sickness’. One commentator believes the ‘bed’ referred to death and hell which is the ultimate end of those who refuse to repent.
  • Those who have sinned with her will experience great tribulation or suffering unless they repent. These appear to be sinning Christians so the Lord doesn’t threaten them with the same end as ‘Jezebel’.
  • Her children will be killed—the phrase seems to indicate they will die by an act of God. These would be her ‘spiritual children’, so that tells us that she had been around long enough to have made ‘disciples’ or ‘children’ out of her teaching.
  • The severe judgment that is promised to ‘Jezebel’, and those who don’t repent, reminds us that Christ is serious about a pure church. He will do whatever is necessary to purge the church of sin.
  • Jesus says that when all this happens the churches will know that He searches the minds and the hearts in verse 23.
    • Greek word for heart is kardia
    • Greek word translated ‘mind’ is nephrous, which should be associated with the kidneys. In ancient times, the kidneys were considered to be the seat of emotions.
    • The Lord makes sure the Thyatirans know that He is the one who continually searches their thoughts, affections, and emotions.
  • Jesus addresses those in Thyatira who have not participated in the evil of ‘Jezebel’ in verse 24. These people will not have to endure more suffering and are encouraged to hold onto what they have. The Greek word used for ‘hold fast’ indicates that holding on would not be easy, but it would be possible with Christ’s help.
  • The overcomers are promised a position of power and ruling authority. This is taken from Psalm 2: 7-9. The word translated ‘rule’ is the Greek poimaino  which is the word for shepherd or pastor. This power and ruling authority is most certainly for the heavenly kingdom, but may also have been for the earthly realm.
  • The reference to the morning star probably references Christ based on Revelation 22:16. This probably means that the faithful overcomers will receive a intimate and eternal fellowship with the Lord himself. 


Takeaway for the Church in 2013

  • Our works do not save us, but they do damn us.  Jesus promised to give to each according to their deeds.
  • “The Thyatiran church has an important message to the church in 2013—false doctrine and sin are not to be allowed—even under the banner of love, toleration, and unity.”  MacArthur New Testament Commentary – Revelation p. 96
  • Leading others astray is a grave mistake.
  • Sexual ethics is a problem outside and inside the church. Submitting to the pressures of the culture in order to do business or make a living will not be overlooked by God. There is no justification before God for sin. All too often when people have to choose between Christian principles and making a living, Christian principles end up being thrown out the window.
  • The church today is sometimes guilty of making the wrong choices such as endorsing gay marriage, living together outside marriage, or other sexual immorality, allowing false teaching within the church, etc. God cannot and will not bless this.
  • Judgment must begin with the household of God. 
  • The purpose of judgment is so that the church may be purified. The more aware you and I are of our sin, the more we understand the destructive power of sin, and the more we are able to take measures against it.
  • Jesus seems to suggest this church should be practicing church discipline. Is church discipline is a lost practice that should be revived?


Thank you for hanging with me as we visit the church at Thyatira. I encourage you to take seriously  Jesus’ words to these churches–both the commendations and rebukes. They are in the Bible for a reason, friends. Let’s heed them.

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