
Dear readers,


Sometimes I find it expedient to just offer you a word from the Word. So it is today.

Yesterday, my small group was offered a passage from Isaiah 59 to contemplate. Let me tell you, there was plenty to contemplate. In two verses, I saw our great nation, America, in a description of ancient Israel offered by Isaiah. Consider these two verses from Isaiah 59.


Isaiah 5914


May I offer it to you from The Message?  

Justice is beaten back, Righteousness is banished to the sidelines, Truth staggers down the street, Honesty is nowhere to be found, Good is missing in action. Anyone renouncing evil is beaten and robbed.


Truth is certainly staggering down the streets of America. We call good, evil; and evil, good. We have exchanged God’s truth for lies. When are we, the church, going to wake up? Will we, before it is too late?

We must pray for truth, the Truth of God’s Word, to once again, be honored in America.



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