
Most anyone who knows me know that I can hardly resist a trip to a bookstore. I love books, and in particular, I am crazy about Bibles and Bible commentaries. I, like many of you, am blessed to have multiple copies of the Bible within the walls of my home. Of all the Bibles I do have, the one that I have never purchased is a Bible written specifically for women. So, when the opportunity dropped into my inbox to review a Bible that is fresh to the market and targeted toward women, I jumped at it without hesitation.


She Reads Truth Bible Review



May I introduce you to the She Reads Truth Bible?


She Reads Truth Bible



“The She Reads Truth Bible aims to live at the intersection of beauty, goodness, and Truth. Featuring devotionals by the She Reads Truth team, and Scripture reading plans that include supplemental passages for deeper understanding, this Bible invites every woman to count themselves among the She Reads Truth community of “Women in the Word of God every day.” The She Reads Truth Bible also features 66 key verses, artfully lettered to aid in Scripture memorization.

Features include: almost 200 devotionals, 66 artist-designed key verses, 35 full-color timelines, 20 full-color maps, 11 full-color charts, reading plans for every book of the Bible, one-year Bible reading plan, detailed book introductions, key verse list, carefully curated topical index, smyth-sewn binding, two colored ribbon markers, and wide margins for journaling and note-taking.”


Go HERE to see a video about the Bible, then come back and read about all the things I love about the She Reads Truth Bible.


Y’all, I will go to my grave telling anyone who will listen that I am not the same woman I was prior to committing to a daily time of Bible study. My heart has been softened and molded by the Word of God. I make better choices because of my time in the Word. I speak kinder words because of the influence of Scripture on my tongue. I am a better wife, mom, mentor, speaker, author, and friend because of the living and active Word planted deeply within my heart.

So, why am I telling you about the She Reads Truth Bible? What makes it stand out among the hundreds of choices of Bibles on the shelves in bookstores? I’m so glad you asked.


First, and I’m going all girly here, it is pretty. The copy that was provided to me to review for B&H Publishing by FrontGate Media in exchange for my honest thoughts and opinions is a hard-back in a lovely poppy color. The Bible comes in several different colors, including gray, poppy, brown, and navy. I’m thrilled that mine is poppy.

Another reason that I am a fan of this Bible is a super nerdy one…..I like the interior font (Bible Serif). It is beautiful, inviting, and easy to read.


She Reads Truth


While I do not have an artistic bone in my body, I absolutely love the artwork at the beginning of each book of the Bible. The editors have chosen one verse from each book of the Bible that embodies what that book teaches. That verse is highlighted at the beginning of the specific book using beautiful artwork. “Together, these 66 verses present the complete arc of Scripture, book by book.” Y’all, I love that like crazy! It is like getting a clue on the first page of a book what the entire book will be about.


She Reads Truth


She Reads Truth


In addition, at the beginning of each book, there is an overview of the book and a timeline. I do love me a timeline, let me tell you!! The other feature that I am really digging about the She Reads Truth Bible is a guide, or checklist, for reading through that book. It is broken down into weeks and days. So, for example, if you wanted to read the entire book of Psalms, there is a 15-week plan that gives specific readings on five days each week. And, if you want to go deeper, there are additional references that one can explore that pertain to each daily reading.


She Reads Truth


As if all that were not enough, there are wonderful devotions written by women for women scattered throughout the She Reads Truth Bible.




The She Reads Truth Bible is not a word-for-word or thought-for-thought translation, but rather it uses ‘optimal equivalence’. ‘Optimal equivalence starts with an exhaustive analysis of the text at every level in the original language to determine its original meaning and intention. Then, relying on the latest and best language tools and experts, the nearest corresponding semantic and linguistic equivalents are used to convey as much of the information and intention of the original text with as much clarity and readability as possible.’ (Taken directly from my copy of the She Reads Truth Bible.)

The translation that is used in the She Reads Truth Bible is the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). This version of the Bible does not seek to be overly politically correct, but rather attempts to translate the ancient text faithfully. “While the CSB avoids using ‘he’ or ‘him’ unnecessarily, the translation does not restructure sentences to avoid them when they are in the text. (Taken directly from my copy of the She Reads Truth Bible.)  I will tell you that the CSB is not my favorite translation of Scripture.

Thanks for letting me share this beautiful Bible with you today. I am tickled pink to tell you that you can register to win a copy of it! Simply go to this link to register to win.


Want to purchase your own copy? Head over to my affiliate link on Amazon and order away!

NOTE: This post contains affiliate links.

DISCLOSURE:  I was given this Bible to review for B&H Publishing by FrontGate Media.  While I was given the Bible for free all thoughts and opinions are my own.)

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