
Today at The Loft our topic is “Mothers”. Having just celebrated Mother’s Day, this is a topic that should resonate in the hearts of many.

It has been almost 18 months since my Mother went to be with Jesus. I miss her every day. As I pondered on today’s topic, I decided to share with you a few lessons that I learned from my Mom.



Lessons from My Mother



My Mother lived generously. She was the kind of mom whose singular focus was her family. She and my Daddy were always in attendance at anything my sister and I were part of….ballet recitals, football games, band concerts, and more. She was equally generous toward her friends, sending a bazillion greeting cards for birthdays, to those who had lost loved ones, and those experiencing illness. Anytime there was a death of a close friend or church member, Mother would be one of the first to show up with a casserole or salad.


From the time I was six years old, my Mother stayed home and cared for her family. She was a wonderful cook and always prepared delicious meals for us. She was also an amazing seamstress, making beautifully tailored dresses, pants, coats and tops for my sister and me. Mother loved my Daddy in an amazing way. Daddy was stricken with polio at the age of 16 and walked on crutches the rest of his life. To the outside world, he was handicapped, although those who knew him would likely not have placed that label on him. After he died, my Mother told me that she was certain God placed her on earth to be Daddy’s helper. She assumed that role with honor and love. She loved her sisters and brothers, her Sunday school and Bible study classes, and her weekly lunch ladies. Most of all, she loved Jesus.


Mother was a lady….a true Southern lady. She got up each morning, showered, put makeup on, and dressed….every day until dementia took the Mother I knew. She interacted with others with kindness and gentleness, even when she disagreed with them. She never used curse words or told crude jokes. Mother loved to laugh, but was never obnoxious with her laughter. She was never rude or unkind.

I was extremely blessed with a wonderful, godly, caring, giving Mother. I can only hope to be half the woman she was.

I hope you will link your post on the topic of Mothers with us today. You will find the linky tool at the bottom of my post.



We are a topic driven link-up, which means that we link posts that pertain to the topic of the week. Posts that are not on topic will be deleted.

We will offer a month’s worth of topics each week so you can plan and prepare for a post that helps you enter into the conversation. Here are the topics for the next month:

May 11 ~ Mothers

May 18 ~ Spiritual gifts

May 25 ~ Pot Luck

June 1 ~ Summer Vacation

Just a reminder that the link-up goes live on Wednesday morning at 5am and will stay live until the following Monday at 5pm. If you link up at The Loft, please do not link-and-run. We want to create conversation and community, therefore, we ask that if you linkup one post, please visit two others. There are some beautiful people who link-up each week, and visiting their posts is the best way to get to know them.

Now, it it time to get to today’s link-up. Our prompt today is MOTHERS. Link up a funny post today. You will find the linky at the bottom of my post. Enjoy the fellowship at The Loft.

The Loft




The Loft


Now it is time to linkup!

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