
The winner of my final New Year’s HeBrews giveaway is…………..Lucy!!!

The Loft is open, come on up!

Welcome back to #TheLoft! We are eager to hear from you all!   This Week’s Topic: “One Word/Verse for 2015” (We can’t wait to hear what has the Lord given you for 2015.)

Today’s Loft topic is our ‘one word’ for 2015. Before I get to mine, let me share a bit about my past words. I’ve had only a few.

In 2012, my word was ‘trust’. Over and over during that year, the Lord gave me amazing opportunities to simply trust Him. In situation after situation, His still, small voice whispered into my heart on a near daily basis, ‘just trust me’. As I did, I found Him to be so very faithful. My faith grew like a third-year Leyland Cypress tree. You know the whole ‘sleep, creep, leap’ thingy that goes along with that kind of tree. The first year they sleep and don’t grow much, the 2nd year they creep along in their growth, and the third year their growth begins to leap. That is how 2012 was for me. It was the year for my faith to LEAP.


My 2013 word was ‘Jesus’. Now, that might seem to be stating the obvious, but the Holy Spirit was very definite with me about it. “Just focus on Jesus”, said He. And that is what I did. I tried very hard to make Jesus the focus of my writing, my ministry, and my life. Consequently, I drew closer to Him than ever before. It was a logical progression from the trust of 2012, really.


2014’s words were interesting. There were two. The first was ‘loss’. I sensed at the beginning of the year that it would be a year of loss. Sweet mercy, was that ever on target. We sent my sweet Mother on to heaven on November 23rd, yet we really lost her long before. Multi-infarct dementia took her long before she actually breathed her last. Yes, we had small glimpses of the Mother we knew, but so much had changed. Painful loss occurred over the course of the year. I also experienced, temporarily, the loss of some important relationships. That was so incredibly heartbreaking. The good news is that those are being renewed.


The second word for 2014 was ‘others’. The Lord was very clear with me early in the year that I was to help promote and minister to other people. I tried to be faithful to do that in the ways that were presented to me. I had the privilege of highlighting many bloggers, authors, and books on my blog in 2014. I also had the privilege of speaking into the lives of others in a mentoring capacity. What an honor!


Now, it is time to tell you what the Lord has given me for my ‘one word’ for 2015. I prayed for weeks about this. I sensed that this would be my word early on, but did not want to force it to be my word if the Spirit had another for me. I have no idea the paths that He and I will walk this year around this word. I know what my heart wants to see happen, but honestly, my dreams and desires are usually so much smaller than His. So, I will simply wait on Him.

And so, my ‘one word’ for 2015 is:



Image courtesy of Traci Michele - www.tracimichele.com

Image courtesy of Traci Michele – www.tracimichele.com

….and a verse to go along with my 2015 word….


 LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy. Habakkuk 3:2 (NIV)

This one thing I know: this word is most assuredly from Jesus for me. How do I know? He has confirmed it over and over. It has popped up in more than a few places. Check it out.







As we begin our journey into 2015, I am ‘trusting’ ‘Jesus’ to ‘renew’ many things in my life. I will be sharing what I experience with you right here. Thanks for stopping by today! I can’t wait to read about your ‘one word’.

Next Week’s Topic: “Goals” (Share a goal you have for 2015 or about your goal setting process? Anything to do with goals!)


This Week’s Topic: “One Word/Verse for 2015” (We can’t wait to hear what has the Lord given you for 2015.)


Now it’s time to link your posts up!


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About #TheLoft

The Loft is the place for conversation, community, networking, and Christian growth. Each week we provide a topic to start the conversation.   While there are many link and blog hops out there, we are different in that we ask that your link stick to the weekly topic. This fosters community and conversation. It also helps us practice “topic” writing as bloggers. Please mention The Loft in your post so we can find each other. Thank you so much!
Monday night, at 9pm Eastern, the linky goes live and all week you can link up your post on that week’s topic. We’ll have fun topics, serious topics, practical, soul-ful, holiday, and so, so much more…we can’t wait to get started! This is not only a great way to connect with others, it’s also a fun and easy way to establish a writing habit. If you aren’t a blogger, you are welcome to join in by leaving your comments in the comment section. So grab your coffee mug and come on up! Hang out for a bit. We betcha you’ll be glad you did.

To Participate:

1. Be creative. Feel free to use words, photos, video, audio, your family pet, whatever, to communicate on the weekly topic. But please stick to the weekly topic 🙂 2. Listen twice as much as you talk. If you leave one link, visit two. Trust us on this one~wink. 3. Be a community. Include #TheLoft graphic and/or link back in your post so we can find and share with each other. Also, share the great stuff you find when you visit around…we’ll be doing the same.     When you link up at The Loft, your link will appear on 4 blogs! We’d love for you to visit The Loft co-hosts and know who we are: Jen, Rebekah, Leah, Arabah

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Image courtesy of Traci Michele - www.tracimichele.com
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