
GIVEAWAY WINNERS: Congratulations Brenda Cascio and Mary Tullila! Thank you to everyone who entered the drawing for the giveaway.


Good Monday morning!

Y’all, I have been so blessed by my writing sabbatical…blessed with rest, sweet communion with Jesus, renewed excitement about ministry, and perspective. It has been a good, good time and I will definitely plan another next year.

However, when the opportunity to share an exciting new feature of The JESUS Film dropped into my inbox, I knew that it was worthy of a post. Especially since there is a GIVEAWAY tacked onto the feature.



Jesus Film Streaming Codes Giveaway


Do you know about The JESUS film? If not, here is a bit of history about it.


In honor of its 35th anniversary, The JESUS Film, the most watched film in history, having been viewed billions of times, has now been re-mastered in high-definition with a complete new musical score in Dolby 5.1 surround sound.
The JESUS Film is a faithful depiction of Christ’s birth, ministry, death and resurrection as told in the biblical account from the Gospel of Luke. Virtually every word Jesus speaks in The JESUS Film is quoted from Scripture, with 450 leaders and scholars having reviewed the script for biblical accuracy. Further historical accuracy was ensured using clothing, pottery and other props made with first-century methods to portray a 2,000-year-old Palestinian culture.
The JESUS Film has been officially recognized by The Guinness Book of World Records as the Most Translated Film in history, and is now is available in 1,197 languages. In addition, more than 200 million individuals worldwide have indicated a decision to follow Jesus after viewing The JESUS Film. This story of the film’s impact over the past 35 years will be shown through an exclusive new short feature narrated by actor Ernie Hudson and available on the re-mastered widescreen DVD.
The disc includes The JESUS Film in a total of eight languages English, Spanish, Mandarin, French, Vietnamese, German, Korean and Arabic.

Bonus Features:

  • The Making of ‘The JESUS Film’ – A documentary that highlights the attention to historical and Biblical detail in the making of the 1979 film, JESUS.
  • The Impact of ‘The JESUS Film – A ten minute celebration of what God has done through the film JESUS over the last 35 years.

For more info on the movement behind this film go here: http://www.jesusfilm.org/


How much better is an updated version of The JESUS film if it is available via STREAMING? A whole bunch, I would say. This will be the first time in the history of the film that it has been available as a download. iTunes, Amazon Instant Video, Google Play, Microsoft, Christian Cinema On Demand all offer streaming capabilities for The JESUS Film. Check this out: The JESUS Film Streaming Options.

I don’t watch much television, nor do I go to the movies very often, but the opportunity to stream The Jesus Film definitely gave me a desire to watch it. The life of Jesus shines brightly in this much watched, much loved movie….AND it is super easy to access.

Today, I am thrilled to GIVE AWAY 2 FREE STREAMING CODES that can be redeemed at ChristianCinema.com to download the film. Here’s the skinny on the giveaway:

  • Simply leave me a comment ON THIS POST with your name and the state and country in which you live. That’s it.
  • The giveaway will run from today until Wednesday morning when I will draw the names of the 2 winners.
  • If you post about the giveaway on social media, come back here and leave another comment telling me you posted. Then, you can be entered for the giveaway a second time. Two entries max. One for commenting, one for social media linking.

There is no better time to watch The JESUS film than right now at Christmas. What a beautiful reminder of our Savior and a great time to share His Story with others.


This post and giveaway are sponsored by Jesus Film and the FrontGate Christian Blogger Network. The opinions about how it will serve our home well are my own. 

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