
As I watched Dr. Billy Graham speak on the Cross of Christ and how to know for sure that you would go to heaven when you die last night, I wrote down some quotes from his message. At 95 years of age, Dr. Graham is still completely devoted to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. His voice, though a bit shaky, was still powerful as He shared the gospel on the program. Today I want to share the quotes from Dr. Graham that I wrote down. I want to love Jesus as much as Billy Graham loves Him.





With all my heart I want to leave you with the truth.

The cross is offensive because it confronts people and the evils that dominate so much of this world.

All the people of different backgrounds are the objects of God’s love.

We deserve the cross; we deserve hell; we deserve judgment and all that means.

The cross demands a new lifestyle in all of us.

Sin is a disease in the human heart that effects every part of our being.

There is no other way of salvation except through the cross of Christ.

When you come to Jesus, you are clothed in His righteousness. God no longer sees you, He sees Jesus.

Repent means to turn from your sins and turn to Jesus.

I know where I’m going {when I die}…..do you?


If any of these quotes touch your heart, I’d love for you to leave a comment telling us about it.

If you would like to meet Jesus and make Him your Lord and Best Friend, I would be delighted to talk with you. Email me at point ministries@gmail.com .

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