
I sat in church and watched the names and ages of the victims of the senseless and vicious school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut scroll across the screen, while beautiful candles were lit in their memory. The tears flowed freely.

I cried for those little ones who will never again run and play and jump and dance.

I cried for the parents who held their child on Friday for the final time on this earth.

I cried for the brave police officers who had to walk into those classrooms to the sight of those tiny, lifeless bodies.

I cried for the children who survived this horrendous ordeal and who may suffer effects of it for years to come.

I cried for the teachers in that school, and countless other schools, that will never feel safe in their classroom again.

I cried for a nation that believes the crux of the problem is gun control, when the real problem is that God has been excluded from our culture, leaving a cavernous spiritual void and a moral compass that spins far away from True North.

I cried for churches filled with people who have been lulled into believing it is someone else’s job to share Jesus with the people living in their town.

My heart is breaking for America. The events of December 14th, while horrible and tragic, are only a symptom of the real disease. When a nation turns its back on God, what else can we expect? God was very clear in the Scriptures to the nation of Israel that as long as she followed and obeyed God, the nation would be blessed. But, if the Israelites turned their back on God, there would be curses, destruction and violence. God always keeps His promises…even when the consequences are unpleasant.

Why should we think we are different? America has turned her back on God. We have shunned Him from the schoolhouse to the courthouse and we are reaping the consequences of that shunning. Do not be deceived. Our nation cannot mock God and get away with it. We have mocked God and told Him we have no use for Him. Now, we are reaping the consequences of those actions.


Because of this, I pray:

Lord, God of heaven and earth, the One who was, who is and is to come. You are holy and just and righteous. You deserve our allegiance and our devotion. You keep your promises and are faithful. You are good and merciful.

Please forgive me, and the people of my nation, for turning our backs on you. I ask you to forgive me for failing to proclaim your Name publicly. Forgive my nation for her blindness, hardened hearts and her idolatry. Forgive us, Lord, for believing the lie that God has no place in the public square. Forgive us, Father, for our cowardice when we fail to take a stand for godliness and holiness.

We have allowed politics and Hollywood to dictate our morals. We have worshipped at the shrine of money and comfort. We have strayed away from the foundations on which You built this country….godly character, humble reliance on You, honor, and bravery. I, and countless others who name the name of Christ, have been silent and watched as the nation we love moved down a destructive path. Now, I fear it is too late. Forgive me, Lord. Please forgive us.

I ask you, God, to send your Holy Spirit to comfort the hearts of those affected by this tragedy in Newtown. I beg you, Lord, to do whatever it takes to remove the calluses from the hearts of Americans so we, as a nation, would turn back to You. Ignite the fires of revival among those who name the name of Christ. You are our only hope. OUR. ONLY. HOPE!! Please don’t turn your back on us. Please, oh God, have mercy on America. We need you desperately.

Hold us, Lord, in this unspeakably sad hour, just as you hold those 20 little ones who now live in heaven with you. Draw us to you.

I make this confession and plea in the name of Jesus, the one who died on the cross to save us from the sin that seeks to destroy us. Amen.

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