Tasting Grace Cover


Tasting Grace: A Mentoring in the Kitchen Bible Study is a 4 week Bible study that examines the concept of biblical mentoring. The book also includes an event planning guide to help ladies create their own Tasting Grace mentoring in the kitchen event.

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Praise for Tasting Grace

“I am a huge fan of the Leah-and-Jan approach to mentoring women. Kitchen counters become sacred spaces and holy conversations take place over the clack and clatter of pans and dishes. The women laugh, lament life’s painful bent and boast in Jesus and His gracious sufficiency. Godly counsel stirs up over savory chopped garlic and discipleship rises warm from the oven with the scents of cinnamon. I’m not sure a person can find a better combination for tasting and seeing that the Lord is good.” 

~~ Beth Moore, Bible study author, Christian speaker and teacher

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