
Last week Greg and I spent several days in Florida where the weather was warm, a welcome change from the 30’s we have been experiencing in north Georgia. As Greg and I waited to be seated for lunch at The Cheesecake Factory, I saw a young woman wearing skinny jeans, a top that hit at her waist, and flat shoes. Her skinny jeans reminded me of one of those expandable garden hoses that had failed to expand. I fear she might have permanent damage from restricted blood flow to her legs and feet. Her attire prompted the following tweet from my mobile device:

‘Too many woman have confused skinny jeans with leggings. Jeans fit like leggings?? Cover your tush please. #legacy’

Seriously, I will be so glad when this skinny jean craze is a thing of the past. Why? Because most girls and women wearing skinny jeans would have been wise to buy jeans at least two sizes larger. I know the purpose of skinny jeans is that they are form fitting, but sometimes it is just the better part of wisdom to cover up the form. Then, as if that is not bad enough, many of these same females fail to wear a shirt that adequately covers their form-fitted tushie. Please, ladies, leave something to the imagination!

Girls, when we favor the latest fashions over dressing with modesty and dignity, we only prove that have no interest in leaving a godly legacy for those who come behind us.  It is possible to dress fashionably and cute and still be modest. It is also considerate of the men and their wives who circle around our lives.


Speaking of dignity…and speaking of speaking…let’s think for a minute about our mouths. For many years I had a serious problem with profanity. It seemed like it just slipped out without me even thinking about it. And, therein was the problem. I wasn’t thinking about it. I was not considering what my potty mouth said about me. Oh, I professed to be a Christian and was in church regularly, but my mouth would never have evidenced a heart that was supposed to belong to Jesus. In truth, what was coming out of my mouth was a symptom of what was in my heart. I had allowed Jesus to become my Savior, but He wasn’t my Lord. I had withheld from Him my mouth and the words I spoke. It was not until I began regular Bible study and had the trash that came from my mouth replaced with God’s Word that I began to have victory over potty mouth.


Finally, continuing with our speaking theme, I want us to think about the words we say that are not necessarily profanity, but also would not qualify as words that bless. I have been very convicted of late of the words and attitudes I use with others, especially close family members.

Why is it that we can be sweet as sugar to a stranger who offends us, but turn right around and unleash some mighty hurtful words on those we love? I’m disgusted with myself when I do this. Usually my husband is the one on the receiving end of my bad attitude and harsh words because he is the one I live with. For you, it may be your children or parents. This has to stop. James wrote of this when he said:

And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth. Surely, my brothers and sisters, this is not right! James 3: 10 (NLT)

You bet it isn’t right and my heart is convicted greatly. When I speak to anyone with hurtful words, another piece of my legacy is laid down and it is not a piece of which I am proud. Jesus, help me; help us get our tongues under control.

Friends, every word, every action, every intent of our heart….it is all part of our legacy and we must be intentional about the legacy we leave.

Want to learn more about leaving a godly legacy? Check out my 6 week Bible study entitled From the Trash Pile to the Treasure Chest: Creating a Godly Legacy. 

MEDITATION MOMENT: What legacy disasters are on your mind today?

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