
Hello there, friend!

How is your heart these days?

So many people are feeling unsettled by the present, and unsure of the future. We are living in times that can surely rock our worlds.

Hurricanes, wild fires, social unrest, political unrest, a pandemic, and just plain meanness can all combine to cause us to feel like we have no stability or peace. I feel it, too, y’all!

Yet, as the people of Christ, we have the Holy Spirit to help us rise above all of that and be lights for Jesus in this dark, dark world. So, why are we not marked by peace and a calm assurance that God is in control? I believe it is because we are not intentional about fixing our gaze on God. Instead, we watch the evening news and become panicked. We scroll social media and fall into the comparison trap. It does not have to be that way!

Over the past year or two, God has been impressing upon me the importance of leaning into Him and trusting in His sovereign will. When the rubber hits the road, who else do we have to trust in who will never let us down? Really, who else is there other than God?

Simply Seeking God

It is my firm conviction that as we set our hearts toward seeking God, we will find that peace and calm assurance for our lives.

To that end, the Lord has tendered my heart toward a time of intentionally focusing on Him through a look at His Word and a time of prayer. It works, y’all, and I want to invite you into my Quiet Place to experience it.

Beginning Sunday, October 18th, I will be hosting a free 15 minute Zoom gathering where we will spend about 5 minutes hearing from God through His Word and 10 minutes in prayer. That’s it! Fifteen minutes of concentrated focus on SIMPLY SEEKING GOD.

Will you join me?

Will you set your heart toward simply seeking God for 15 minutes?

I promise if you carve out this time with Him, you will begin to understand His Sovereignty and find that peace and calm assurance your heart has been seeking.

How Do I Join?

Each Sunday evening at 7pm EST / 6pm CST, beginning October 18th, go to my website at and click the Simply Seeking God button at the top of the page. You will be directed into my Simply Seeking God Zoom room where we will meet.

  1. When you enter the Zoom room, your microphone will automatically be muted. I will let you know when to unmute your microphone during our time together.
  2. You can see all the attendees or just the speaker by changing your View in the upper right hand corner of the screen (Gallery view vs. Speaker view).
  3. You may use the chat feature of Zoom (located at the bottom of the screen) to send messages to me or other attendees.
  4. This is a casual time, so come as you are!!

We will begin promptly at 7pm EST each Sunday. Once again, please go to access the button to enter the Zoom room.

Heaven knows we can all use a little more peace, right?!? I hope you will join me. Any questions? Please reply to this email and I will gladly answer them.

I’ll see you on Sunday.


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