
Today, as part of the re-launch of my Legacy Bible study, I am sharing a story that should give us all cause for pause. There is also a giveaway of the Legacy Bible study going on over on my Instagram page. I am leahadams64 on IG.


Legacy quote pushing up daisies


Dr. Frank Cox of North Metro First Baptist Church in Lawrenceville, Georgia, tells the story about one woman’s legacy in his book entitled, Legacy: One Life to Live. Dr. Cox received a call from a local funeral director telling him about a 52-year-old lady who had died. She was new to the area, and did not have a church home. The family had heard about Dr. Cox and wanted him to conduct her funeral service. Dr. Cox agreed to do the service. Here is the rest of the story in Dr. Cox’s own words.

“The funeral would be at 11:00 the next morning. I rehearsed the Baptist funeral on my way to the funeral home. You probably know it well. Mama loved Jesus. Mama gave her life to Christ. The Scripture says, absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.

“I arrived at the funeral home my customary ten minutes before the hour. I was greeted at the front door by the funeral director who took me and introduced me to the husband of the deceased and their two grown children. After a few condolences, I asked if we could go to the conference room for a minute so I could ask a few questions in order to make the memorial services as personal as I could.

“As we entered the room, I took a seat at the head of the conference table with the husband at the opposite end. The two children sat on each side. “Sir” I said, “I want to make this as personal as possible. I noticed your wife was Baptist. Please tell me when she received Christ as her personal Savior.” To be honest, I was not prepared for what I was about the hear.

“He said, “Received Christ? Preacher, we are pagans. We don’t believe in that Jesus garbage and whatever you do, please don’t bring Jesus up in this funeral today.” Immediately my nice little funeral message flew right out the window. What was I to do?

“My father, a Baptist preacher, always taught me when you are in doubt, put the question back to them. “Well, sir, what do you want me to say for your friends who have gathered to remember your wife?”

“The husband thought for a moment, looked at his children and then responded. ‘Tell them she loved race cars.”

“Mama loved race cars.” I kept flipping through my Bible to see what God’s Word said about race cars.”



Most of us will never be in the predicament in which Dr. Cox found himself. The question he asked the family of his dear women, however, is one we must consider.

What will the person who preaches your funeral say about you? How will those who sit in the pews at your funeral remember you?

I don’t know about you, friend, but I want to be remembered for more than loving race cars. Or books. Or food. Or traveling. Or __________________ (you fill in the blank).

I want to be remembered for loving JESUS.

Psalm 145: 4-7 offers some words on which we might consider hanging our Legacy hat today.


One generation shall commend your works to another,

And shall declare your mighty acts.

On the glorious splendor of your majesty,

And on your wondrous works, I will meditate.

They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds,

And I will declare your greatness.

They shall pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness,

And shall sing aloud of your righteousness.

Your legacy. What will the preacher who stands over your casket say about you? Will he or she be able to say that your life commended Jesus to the next generation? Every choice you make, every word you utter, every act you perform is all part of your legacy. So what will it be?

Race cars or Jesus?


Legacy quote daisies graveyard



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