
I have been re-visiting a book that made a huge impact on my life in the mid-1990’s. At that time, I had struggled with anorexia for at least 10 years and had been in counseling a couple of times. When I found “Tired of Trying to Measure Up” by Jeff VanVonderen, it was like a healing balm to my spirit and soul. It was as if Mr. VanVonderen had been reading my mail!! Suddenly there were words to describe much of what had been going on in my mind.

Now, I am reading the book again and once again, it is speaking to me in wonderful ways. I’ll probably write more about it later, but just wanted to give you a few of the quotes that pack a punch.

“All my life—and mostly without even knowing it—I’d been trying to measure up to the standards of other people, including my own family and my Christian environment.”

“You don’t allow yourself to make mistakes (or admit them). When you’ve been taught that performance is the way to be valuable and acceptable, mistakes bring shame.”

Boy, does this next one have my name written all over it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“You have a high need for control. Since your sense of well being and security is based on externals, you’re preoccupied with the status of things and the behavior of people. Every time things or people don’t look or act the way you need them to, you fix, correct, adjust, improve, remedy, solve, reform, remodel or punish. This goes beyond the usual adult responsibility to guide: You need things to be ‘just so’ in order to be able to relax. But that time never comes.”

I’m sure my family and friends who know me well are saying, “Amen and Amen’ to that last one.

Anyhoo, these are the quotes for this week. Have a wonderful weekend.

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