

Today as we Stroll Down Legacy Lane we are taking a look at a group of people who were, well, just difficult. They saw themselves as the righteous elite, yet they were steeped in pride and prejudice. Who am I talking about? It’s the Pharisees of antiquity, of course.

In Matthew 23, Jesus gives this austere group a significant dressing down. It did not have much effect, but it certainly offers you and me an opportunity for self-examination and repentance—if we will but listen. Consider how Jesus describes this group of men:

Verse 2: ‘….the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat’ – they elevated themselves above everyone else…to the level of Moses who was greatly revered among the people. PRIDE!

Verse 3: ‘….they say, and do not do.’ – they were hypocrites….saying one thing and doing another. HYPOCRITES!

Verse 4: ‘…they bind heavy burdens….on men’s shoulders, but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers’ – they were not good leaders. DID NOT LEAD BY EXAMPLE! NO MERCY!

Verse 5: ‘…all their works they do to be seen by men’ – they were a show.  EAGER FOR MAN’S PRAISE!

Verse 6: ‘…they love the best places at feast and synagogues’  – they FELT they ‘deserved’ places of honor. MORE PRIDE and CONDESCENSION!

Then in verses 13 through 30, we see Jesus shaking His holy finger at them and saying “Woe, to you!” because they were purporting to be such great religious leaders, all the while leading the Jews straight to hell. He told them they looked beautiful on the outside, but were like tombs full of rotting bones.

I don’t know about you, but this chapter sobers me in all kinds of ways. I do not want to be a Pharisee. I want to be humble, trustworthy, to lead by example, and be eager only for the praise of God. I want others to see Jesus, rather than Leah. All too often, I fear my name is ‘Pharisee’. My daily prayer is for God to create in me a humble spirit and help me to be broken hearted over my sin.

MEDITATION MOMENT: How about you? Do you ever find a bit of Pharisee within your heart? Stop right now and ask the Holy Spirit to show you anything in your heart and life that screams ‘Pharisee’.

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