Ladies, how do you react when a man opens a door for you? Do you graciously walk through and then thank him for it? I hope so. My husband has always opened doors for me and I love it every time he does.
Last week I shared with you about a door the Lord opened for me to expand my ministry reach. Walking through that open door resulted in this:
Thank you, Jesus!!
It would be a blessing if you, my readers, made this box of cards a ‘best seller’. I now have plenty of boxes in stock and you are welcome to purchase them from me if you live locally. Feel free to email me at However, if you do not live in my local area, please go to the Warner Press website and order yourself a box or two of these cards. They are designed for those who are walking through trials and difficulties in life…and we all know people who are enduring a difficult season. So, I encourage you to use these cards to bless others.
Now, the Lord has opened another door for me. It looks like this:
I know that doesn’t look at all like a door, but it really is. This door, opened by God, is unique and it also allows me the opportunity to expand the ministry appointed to me by the Lord, Jesus Christ. What you see in the picture above is a contract from Warner Press (same company as the greeting cards) that affords me the honor and privilege of turning my When Words Won’t Come posts into a beautiful devotion booklet. The booklet will be 64 pages long and will contain short Scripture-based thoughts intended to draw the reader’s attention to the very Word of God.
If you have been visiting me for any length of time here in my little corner of the blogosphere, you have read some of the words that will end up on the printed pages of this little booklet. The Lord gave me the concept for the posts months ago when I was walking through a season of few words. (I know, I know…it’s hard to believe. Me, without words? Shocking!!) The Holy Spirit assured me that even when I have no words to share, He always does. His Words are life-giving and life-changing! It is my prayer that this booklet will point all who read it to Jesus and Jesus alone. Thank you, Jesus, for this amazing opportunity.
The wonderful people at Warner were gracious enough to allow me to share this with you even before the booklet is finished. I am so excited to see the final product, but I, and you, will have to wait a while longer. I’ll let you know more as we move forward in the process of publishing this booklet. Peace to you, my friends, in the name of Jesus.