
I read a lot.

And I am always finding quotes that touch my heart.

And I think to myself, “I need to remember this one or that one.”

Then I promptly forget it….or forget where I saw it.

So, I have begun to accumulate notable quotes in one place for later reference. Now I am hoping I will remember to look at my notable quote document when I am seeking out a quote!!


Notable Quotes


Today, I want to share with you a couple of the ones I have found in the last few weeks in hope they will speak to your heart and life as well. Feel free to Pin, Share, Tweet, Stumble, or whatever else you can do with them.


This first one really convicted me….I mean CONVICTED ME!

How often do I NOT pay attention to the people in my life. I half-listen to what they say, or I am too busy scrolling through social media to pay attention to them. Worse yet, while they are speaking I am conjuring up in my mind what my response will be to them. Sheesh! I have work I need to do in this area, people!


Quote about Generosity


The second quote comes from the Bible study I am currently doing with my small group. It is Priscilla Shirer’s Armor of God Bible Study. Dear Gussie, I am being challenged and convicted by this study…and it is a good thing.

There is a story that goes with this quote. A sculptor had done a huge sculpture of a horse, I think it was. After it was finished a man came up to him and questioned him about how he was able to create such a beautiful sculpture of a horse out of a large chunk of stone. The sculptor thought a minute and then said that he simply chipped away anything that didn’t look like a horse.


Holy Spirit's job quote Shirer


I hope these two quotes give you something to ponder for a few days. Let me know your thoughts about them in the comments. Until Monday, friends.


NOTE: This post contains affiliate links. 

Here is a link to the Bible study I referenced above in case you want to grab a copy for yourself.

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Notable Quotes
Quote about Generosity
Holy Spirit's job quote Shirer
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The Rider on the White Horse ~ Revelation 6
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