
OneWord365! It is all about choosing a word that will be your focus for the coming year.

I have participated in the OneWord 365 movement for the past several years. However, I do not just randomly pick a word. There is great intentionality and prayer that goes into it for me. In October of this year I began asking the Lord what He desired for my OneWord to be for 2020. Only He knows what 2020 holds for me, and only in His Sovereignty can He assign me the word that will be perfect for me.


My OneWord 365 2020


Here are a few of them from past years and several of them are linked to the blog post I wrote about them.

2012 – Trust

2013 – Jesus

2014 – God gave me 2 words – Loss and Others

2015 – Renew

2016 – Rest

2017 – Come

2018 – Christlikeness

2019 – Trust

God kept bringing a single word into my heart and mind as I prayed and I am excited to share it with you.

Here is a short video about my OneWord  NOTE: If you are receiving this via email and have trouble viewing the video from the email. Please click HERE and go to my website to watch.


As a Christian Life Coach and Mentor, listening is a crucial part of how I serve my clients, and I believe the Lord will give me many opportunities to LISTEN to clients. I also believe He will give me many opportunities to listen for His still small voice. I want to listen well to my husband and family, my friends and others.

I really have no idea all the ways the Lord will use the word LISTEN in my life in 2020, but I am excited about walking out this word with Him in 2020.

So, friend, do you choose a word as a focus each year? If so, I would love to hear about it. So, come on and tell me all about it. I’m LISTENING!

NOTE: Affiliate links used.

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My OneWord 365 2020
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