
Dear Reader,

Merry Christmas! I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to you for being here. Your presence is a gift to me, as is every comment you leave or email you send in response to something the Lord has given me to write. Whether you are a long-time reader or this is your first time to join me, the fact that you are using your time to visit LeahAdams.org blesses my heart. Thank you.

Today we celebrate the birth our Lord, Jesus Christ! My prayer is that you know Him as your Lord and your Savior. He is my very best friend, my confidante, my guide, my strength, and the place where my heart is at home. If you do not know Jesus as Lord this Christmas, may I share with you a few reasons why I would recommend Him to you? Go HERE.

May this day of Christ’s birth be filled with the joy and wonder that His presence brings.

Emanuel! God with us!


Merry Christmas!



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