
I am blessed, blessed to have many wonderful friends. Older, younger, married, single, moms, and grandmoms. I have a beautiful rainbow collection of friends, both IRL (in real life) and on the WWW. Today, I am tickled pink to have the opportunity to introduce you to one of them.

Jan Morton, aka Gran Jan, is a friend I met about 7 or 8 years ago. She is a Georgia girl, although she is the south-Georgia variety, while I plant my feet in north Georgia. Jan is a mom, sister, daughter, Gran Jan to some adorable grands, pastor’s wife, gardener, cook, friend, and beautiful, beautiful soul. Jan will soon wear one more label, but more on that later.


Jan Morton

Recently, Jan posted on her blog about a God-ordained opportunity she had last year to share her story on television. I was so taken with the whole thing that I asked her permission to introduce her to you, my faithful readers, and link to the television program where she shared.

You will be hearing more about Jan in the coming months because……………………..

Jan and I have co-authored a new Bible study that will be in stores on August 1st. It is called Tasting Grace and is based on my Tasting Grace mentoring in the kitchen ministry. Jan began a similar ministry in her church and called it Taste & See, and when she posted about it on her blog, I was completely smitten.

I will be sharing more about Tasting Grace, the book, in the coming days, but for now, I want you to meet my friend, Jan Morton. Here is just a snippet from the entire testimony that Jan gave on Life Today. The link to the entire interview is below.



Please introduce yourself to Jan in the comments. Click the link below to be taken to Jan’s blog where you can see her entire testimony on Life Today.

Jan’s Appearance on Life Today




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