
Ah friend, it’s December and the end of 2022 is quickly approaching. How was your Thanksgiving? I hope you had a wonderful time counting your blessings with family and friends. In our December communication we are going to look back and look ahead, so let’s get started.


Let’s reflect on 2022 and see where we have been. I hope you will carve out some time to ponder the following questions to help you reflect.

  • What goals (personal, career, financial, spiritual, etc.) did you have for 2022? Did you accomplish those goals? If not, how can you increase your motivation and possibly finish strong with them by the end of the year?


  • What wins did you experience in 2022? Personally? Spiritually? Financially? Career?


  • What lessons did you learn in 2022? About life? You, as a person? Your money? Your relationships?


  • What broke your heart in 2022? How can you learn from that difficult experience?


  • Missionary Jim Elliot said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” What did you give up in 2022 that ultimately was a gain/win?

  • If you chose a ‘word’ for 2022, what was it and how did God use it in your life?

I would love for you to share all or a few of your answers with me if you would like.


I am working on projects for 2023 that I am pretty excited about because many of them will be opportunities for me to serve you in more meaningful ways. Here are some of the things I will be doing in 2023:

  • Beginning in January, I will be offering small group financial coaching FOR LADIES only (married, never-married, widowed, divorced). I am quite excited about pouring into the lives of a small group of women and guiding them to deeper financial and personal peace. This group (or groups, if the Lord prospers it) will meet virtually via Zoom once a month for 6 months. Each month, I, or a coaching friend of mine, will share on a different topic such as budgeting, saving, insurance, investments, taxes, and debt. The meetings will last for 90 minutes with the first hour dedicated to a lesson or teaching from me or another coach, while the last 30 minutes will offer an opportunity for one lady in the group to bring a money question and receive coaching. No one will be expected to share the details of your personal finances unless you want to. Each group will be limited to 12 ladies in order to encourage discussion and accountability. There will be a small charge for this to help cover my expenses. Stay tuned!

  • Beginning in January, I will be teaching a weekly financial foundations class to a group of local high school age homeschoolers. I love sowing the principles of good financial management into the lives of young people with the goal of equipping them to make better financial decisions than I did early in life.

  • I am developing a 1 hour workshop for teens that focuses on good financial principles. While I will talk about budgeting, saving, and staying out of debt, the primary focus will be on post-high school choices about work, college, and/or trade school. I plan to offer this workshop FREE to church youth pastors and their teens and can do it live in my local area or via Zoom ANYWHERE. More to come on that, but if you are a youth pastor or involved in youth ministry in any way and are interested in learning more about bringing this workshop to your teens, please reach out to me.

  • As has been my practice, my husband and I plan to lead a new Financial Peace University classbeginning in January. We would love to do a local area (north Georgia) class, if there is sufficient interest. If not, we will do a virtual class. FPU is an amazing financial literacy class for adults that teaches you how to manage your money God’s way. I have led FPU four times and each time I learn, or am reminded, of a money principle that benefits me on my journey.

  • As always, I will continue one-on-one coaching for anyone (especially women) who has a need and desire to win with their finances and move from frustration to freedom. Check out my website for new testimonials from previous clients.

  • Beginning January 1st, I will be offering a FREE email series on how to win with your money in 2023. For those who sign up to receive it, you will receive one email a day for 7 days and those emails will contain tips that I share with my clients for personal finance managment. I offered a similar series last January and it was quite popular, so I have added new material and am eager to put it out there. The link to sign up will be in my January communication.


  • I have the opportunity and blessing to speak at the Rest, Refresh, Renew Retreat, March 31-April 2 at the Bethelwoods Camp and Conference Center in York, South Carolina. This retreat is hosted by Tina Smith of Raising Kids on Your Knees and will be a wonderful time for women of all ages to rest and find refreshment and renewal while being pointed solidly toward Jesus. This is an all-inclusive retreat that will be so much fun. I invite you to register today by scanning the QR code or visiting the Raising Kids on Your Knees website and join us for that weekend.

​As always, if I can serve you in any way, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I wish you a blessed Christmas or Hanukkah and look forward to hearing from you soon.

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