
Hi there!

How is it going in your corner of the world? Here in my space we are all worked into a lather over Monday’s eclipse. Not so much because we are astronomy fans, but because our little town is in the path of totality and we are expecting the population of our county to swell from a normal of 25,000 to about 80,000 people. Crazy!! Every motel and campground is packed to overflowing. People have rented out rooms in their home for ridiculous amounts of money. The grocery store shelves are empty by the end of the day, and the lines at the gas stations are several cars deep. It is wild and will get wooly before it is all over!!

In the midst of all that madness I am preparing for Sabbath. In a post a week ago I told you of the way the Lord has drawn my heart into Sabbath as a result of reading Shelly Miller’s book, Rhythms of Rest. Each Friday I receive an email from Shelly prompting those of us in the Sabbath Society to prepare our hearts and homes for a Sabbath rest. This morning’s email offered some questions designed to set my mind to pondering. I thought I might ‘think outloud’ here with you about the answers to these questions posed by Shelly.


Leaning Into Sabbath



How did my Sabbath look last week?

Last weekend (I observe my Sabbath on Sunday) I spent Saturday preparing…finishing laundry and cooking a few things to eat on Sunday. Sunday morning dawned and I grabbed my iPhone and earbuds and headed out to exercise. While I walked I listened to Christian music in order to prepare my heart for worship. I also allowed the music to prompt my prayers.

We worshipped with our church family at Vertical Church, then came home. After a light lunch, I spent a couple of hours reading and resting.

Sometimes Sabbath doesn’t go exactly the way I plan, and I have learned to give myself grace when that happens. We needed a new faucet in our downstairs kitchen and my husband decided that late Sunday afternoon was the time to put it in. I helped him a bit with that, then made a Blueberry Cobbler as a reward for his hard work. While I usually do not cook on Sabbath, there are times that I do and Sunday was one of them. It just felt right to bless my husband in that way. The Cobbler was Mmmm-Mmmmm good!

How is the time set apart for rest informing my day-to-day life?

I look forward eagerly to Sabbath, knowing that my mind and my body will enjoy rest. To that end, I work extra hard on Friday and Saturday to get chores done so that I can cease my work at 7pm on Saturday and just be. Knowing that Sabbath is coming gives me something to which I can look forward. It is like the anticipation one feels about an upcoming vacation.

Honestly, I feel like I am a better wife to Greg because I am making time for Sabbath rest. I cannot explain it fully, but Sabbath encourages me to listen better and to (hopefully) serve my husband better.

How have Sabbath pauses made a difference?

Oh my what a question! I never, ever, in a million years would have anticipated the way Sabbath would make such a difference in my life.

As I spend time resting on Sabbath there is a quietness in my heart; a peace in my soul; a nearness to Jesus that calms me and draws me into His presence. Even when 7pm on Sunday comes, that quietness and peace remains for several days. On those days when life is hectic, I remember how I feel on Sabbath and my heart stretches forward toward it because it is so restorative and healing.

What do I need to do to prepare for Sabbath this week?

As I write this post on Friday afternoon, I have finished my 4th load of laundry for the day (How do 2 people generate so much laundry???). I changed the sheets on the beds, and am marinating chicken for a new dish that I am eager to try on Saturday. I did my grocery shopping earlier in the week  because…ECLIPSE CROWDS! Tomorrow I will finish up my chores and errands and begin to quiet my heart and lean into Sabbath.


What about you? I’d love to hear your answers to these questions



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