

It is no secret to those of you who have been around this space for a while that I have long struggled with joy. I wrote about it HERE and HERE. Joy and I just never could quite seem to co-exist for more than a few moments. Until recently, when I had a huge revelation concerning my state of chronic joylessness.


In today’s video, I am sharing about the insight the Lord gave me as result of a Bible study I was doing. How ironic (or not) that this revelation would come just as my new Bible study was releasing. James: Recipe for a Living Faith takes the reader through the entire book of James. You may recall that James opens his book in Scripture with the admonition to ‘count it all joy’.

Okay, then! As always, God works a message in and through me so I can better write and serve those who read that message. So, let’s get to this business of joy. Shall we?

I would love to hear your thoughts about the video in the comments or via email. If you are receiving this post via email and cannot view the video, please go HERE to watch it.

Did the topic resonate with you?

Do you struggle with joy?

If you do, or have had, a joy struggle, how are you overcoming it?




NOTE: I will be leading the James study online via Zoom beginning on September 8th and would love to have you join me. Go HERE for more information or to sign up.

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