Today I want us to ponder something that all of us experience, yet many of us never find a way to crawl out of it. But, I know there is a way.
Is there an area of your life in which you constantly feel defeated? A portion of your walk where you cannot seem to consistently walk in victory? If you answered ‘NO’, I’m here to give you a HIGH FIVE. But if you, like me, answered with a resounding ‘YES’, I want to share with you what the Lord spoke to me recently about this matter.
I have an area where I just cannot seem to consistently walk in victory. I want to BADLY, yet it seems, more often than not, I default to defeat. The Lord showed me that I must begin the battle for victory in my mind. That is where it all begins. I must take seriously Psalm 19:14 and let the words of my mouth and the MEDITATIONS OF MY HEART be pleasing in the sight of the Lord. He made sure I understood that those meditations, those thoughts that lead to defeat, must be confessed before Him and repented of to Him.
Then, I must ask Him to help me replace those thoughts with godly, Christ-like thoughts. In my case, as I confessed my thoughts, He showed me that I was defaulting to selfish and self-centered thoughts, rather than humble, others-first thoughts. Oops!!! That bites!! Because really, who likes to think of themselves as selfish and self-centered?
Will I immediately walk in victory over this area of defeat? Maybe, but not likely. Satan does not want me to, and he will battle hard for this one. So, daily, sometimes hourly, I will need to take my thoughts captive to the truth of God’s Word and choose to replace those thoughts with Christ-like thoughts. God’s Word WILL prevail because He promised IT always accomplishes the purposes for which He sent it.
So, I am being intentional in recognizing the thoughts that lead to defeat, then confess them and seek to replace them with the words of Jesus.
Does this resonate with you? I’d love to hear from you if it does so I can be praying for you. Email me at