
Hello there!

Y’all, I’ll be honest with you…I’ve got {almost} nothing to give you.

That doesn’t mean there is nothing going on in my corner of the world. There is a lot going on, but so much of it is just heavy, hard stuff.

A dear friend hearing the ‘C’ word…cancer

Marriages shattering in a million pieces

Relationship angst

Friends with aging parents who are battling some serious limitations

You know….the really tough stuff.

My head spins with the nearness and seriousness of it all, and my heart just feels heavy. I stand at my desk to write and nothing comes. I sit to study Scripture and my heart feels dry. (I’m just being honest here.) I know there is life-giving, life-altering power in the Word but for some reason I feel numb, and I cannot even begin to serve up something to you that I am not feeling.

We writers go through these seasons when words won’t come. In fact, it was out of one of these dry, heavy seasons that my devotional When Words Won’t Come appeared.


So, today I am going to offer you a few pictures and words that I will use to share some of the highlights of the past month or so. It’s all I have to offer right now. (If you cannot see some of the pictures or links, go HERE.)




On March 10th I represented my church in a local fundraiser called Super Chef Showdown that benefits Hope House. Twenty-five local ‘non-chef’ cooks prepared one dish of their choosing to offer as their entry into the Showdown. I chose to make Five Flavor Pound Cake. I had to make enough to feed a 4 oz serving to 200-225 people, so needless to say, I spent some time in the kitchen the day prior to the event.




I made six pound cakes. Yep, six. I was a busy little cook for a full day.

On the day of the event folks from church came to help me slice the cakes and place the servings in the cups. In the picture below are L to R: Becca Medori (my pastor’s wife), me, Cheryl Dyer, Pam Corn, and Mike Medori (my pastor). We had a blast!




Then, the doors were opened to the community and folks could move around the room, tasting all the chefs’ creations. There was a jug on each chef’s table. As the visitors tasted the food they voted for the dish they liked best by placing money in the jug. The chef with the most donations won the “People’s Choice Award”.  I was truly stunned when the winners were announced and I won 3rd place in that category. It was so much fun and I will definitely think about doing it again next year.



What I am about to tell you may be TMI, but here goes. I got a couple of new tattoos recently.

Now, before you go looking at me all cross-eyed, I will tell you that they are cosmetic tattoos. For years and years I have had permanent eyeliner and I LOVE IT. It saves so much time in the morning during makeup application. So, recently I got my eyebrows done. I’m at that age where my eyebrows seem to have moved to a new zip code! So, I went back to my eyeliner girl and got my eyebrows tattooed. At this point, they are still a work in process.

For the first week I looked like Groucho Marx. Then for a few days I looked like I had a jungle disease of some type on my eyebrows as the scabs formed. It was UGLY! Now, I’m at the stage where they look okay, but I will be going back for a touch-up in a week to finish the work. Perhaps I will post a picture of the finished product in a few weeks.

Here is a picture immediately after the application. Yep, Groucho Marx. What you are seeing there is very dark ink (lots of it). That has lightened considerably.




Here I am today, four weeks after the first application.



If you have ever wanted permanent makeup, DO IT!! It is the bomb dot com!


For a writer in a dry, dry season, receiving word of not one, but TWO groups of ladies doing my HeBrews Bible study has been such a balm to my soul. One group is in New York and the other in Virginia and both groups are the cutest things you have ever seen. Take a look.






Thank you so much, ladies, for choosing HeBrews. There are so many wonderful in-depth studies out there and for you to choose the one the Lord and I wrote is humbling. I pray that Jesus would be high and lifted up in your hearts because of this study.


One more picture….a beautiful reminder that the sun comes up every morning by God’s grace and with His favor. There is new hope and fresh manna for each day. Have a blessed Day~~~






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