
Today as we pray through the HSPT call to pray for the church, I encourage you to pray that God would help you die each day to your self–your comfort, your desires, etc. It is only when we clothe ourselves with Christ that we will truly experience revival.

“He (Bonhoeffer) knew something was deeply wrong with the church as it then existed, and not just with the Reichskirche and the German Christians, but with the best of the church, with the Confessing Church, and with the current form of Christianity in Germany in general. He felt that what was especially missing from the life of Christians in Germany was the day-to-day reality of dying to self, of following Christ with every ounce of one’s being in every moment, in every part of one’s life.”  — from Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas


Very, very soon when you come to The Point you will see some awesome changes. A new look and a new format. I am so excited about these changes that will allow me to expand the ministry, so stay tuned.  

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