
Day 10 of HSPT and I am challenging you to pray that the church of Jesus Christ would come together in unity and love. Jesus said that the unbelieving world would know that we are HIS OWN SPECIAL PEOPLE by our love and unity.

They will NOT know we are Christians by our:

  • Denominational names
  • Insistance on one and only one version of the Bible
  • Dress codes
  • Judgmental attitudes
  • Criticism of unbelievers
  • Large, impressive buildings
  • Sunday morning order of service
  • Preference of worship music

An unbelieving world will know that we are CHRISTIANS (Christ followers) by our LOVE and UNITY!  Please join me in praying for LOVE AND UNITY in the church of Jesus Christ today!

Just as the German church was easily duped by Hitler, the American church is threatened by equally dangerous words and actions from those who seek to take God out of America. Today I offer you another quote from Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas.

“[Alfred] Rosenberg was one of the Nazi leaders most active in creating this ‘new religion’. Rosenberg was an ‘outspoken pagan’ who, during the war, developed a thirty point program for the ‘Nationale Reichskirche.’ Rosenberg’s plan is some of the clearest proof that exists of the Nazi’s ultimate plans for the churches. A few points of his program illustrate what Hitler was open to approving and, under cover of war, would move toward:

  • 13. The National Church demands immediate cessation of the publishing and dissemination of the Bible in Germany…..
  • 14. The National Church declares that to it, and therefore to the German nation, it has been decided that the Fuehrer’s Mein Kampf is the greatest of all documents. It….not only contains the greatest but it embodies the purest and truest ethics for the present and future life of our nation.
  • 18. The National Church will clear away from its altars all crucifixes, Bibles, and pictures of saints.
  • 19. On the altars there must be nothing but Mein Kampf (to the German nation and therefore to God the most sacred book) and to the left of the altar a sword.
  • 30. On the day of its foundation, the Christian Cross must be removed from all churches, cathedrals, and chapels…..and it must be superseded by the only unconquerable symbol, the swastika.”

This kind of hog-wash got by the German church. Let us not dare to look down our noses and declare that we, in America, would never fall for this. Be careful! Be very careful!

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