
How are you today? I know it has been a while since I dropped into your inbox with a post, but I came across something on a satellite radio program that really spoke to me. So, I am popping in today to share it AND to connect it to the upcoming Come Away retreat.

Before I get there, though, I want to tell you how I am being blessed by taking some time to rest and lean into Jesus. I am learning to be okay with not writing and posting on a regular basis. I am finding great pleasure and peace in giving myself permission to not be productive every minute of every day. None of this comes easy for me, but I know, with absolute certainty, that I am in the center of God’s will…resting, listening, praying, reading, and simply being. Each week I am planning and preparing all of my daily tasks in such a way that I am accomplishing everything that I can Monday through Saturday. Then when Saturday night comes, I am entering into Sabbath and into a time of doing things that draw me closer to the heart of God. Worship, reading, spending time with Greg, sitting on my porch listening to the birds sing, taking a walk, or visiting with friends and family. Y’all, it is so good to be able to slow down and enter into a rhythm of rest. After only 3 weeks of being intentional about this, I already feel calmer and less anxious. How do you do Sabbath?


As I am preparing for the Come Away retreat, I have been trying to be a good listener. Not only am I listening for the still small voice of the Lord to guide me and give me everything I need for the retreat, but I am listening to the ladies who have registered to attend. I have asked Jesus to help me tune into the needs of their hearts so that when September 15-17 arrives, I am able to serve them and minister to them each personally.


How Well Do You Listen?



My ears perked up last week when I was driving along listening to satellite radio. The majority of what I listen to is either Christian music, sermons, or talk radio. On this particular day, I had tuned into a secular talk show by a very well known personality. I remember nothing about the topic of the show. What stands out clearly in my mind is one line that the guest spoke.

It landed so heavily on my heart and gave me cause to pause. Here is the quote:


Two Kinds of People



Mercy! Isn’t it true? I want the be the first kind, but all too often I am the second kind. I want to be a great listener, but frequently as I converse with others I am spending more time thinking about what I want to say next than I am listening to the person. Conviction abounds!!

The Come Away retreat is 2 months away, y’all, and this quote, while not spoken by a Christian, has driven home a point that I really want to help the ladies learn with their hearts at the retreat. Flitter, I want to learn it deep in my heart, too.

God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. We need to listen twice as much as we speak. As I think about interactions that I have had where I was the one waiting to speak, I ponder what might have happened differently if I had really listened.

Would I have heard pain in the soul of another?

Would I have discerned heartache?

Would my heart have been more tender toward that other person if I was not formulating what I wanted to say?

How would the world be different if I listened more?

How would the world be different if you listened more?


Ladies, I know someone who is eager to listen to your heart. Jesus is a great listener. If you would like some one-on-one time with Him, I invite you to attend Come Away {retreat}. We are going to spend time listening for His voice. Would you join us?

Go here for more details on Come Away.



NOTE: This post contains affiliate links.

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How Well Do You Listen?
Two Kinds of People
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