

Happy New Year!

You likely read the title of this post and thought, “Peace and joy in 2020? Yeah, right!” I admit that peace and joy have been in short supply this year due to the pandemic, social unrest, and political atmosphere. This has been the most challenging year EV-UHHHHH! Yet, because I took God seriously about choosing a OneWord365 in 2020 and then leaning into it, I was able to find beautiful peace and joy for my heart.



For many years, each fall I begin asking God what my #OneWord365 will be for the next year. Every year, He has been faithful to give me a word that He intends to work in and through me in the coming year. Here are my OneWord365s from past years, and several of them are linked to the blog post I wrote about them.

2012 – Trust

2013 – Jesus

2014 – God gave me 2 words – Loss and Others

2015 – Renew

2016 – Rest

2017 – Come

2018 – Christlikeness

2019 – Trust

2020 – Listen

God used the word ‘listen’ in so many ways in 2020. He used it to teach me, refine me, correct me, and bless me. He used it in my personal life, my spiritual life, and my professional life. This year, I am going to do something a bit different as I share how God has been working. I am linking below to two videos where I recount how God worked in that area of my life. I hope you are blessed by what I share.

How God Used the Word LISTEN in my Professional Life

Do you need help with finances: budgeting, creating a rainy-day fund, paying off debt, beginning to build wealth? Take advantage of my FREE 30 minute money coaching consultation session where you and I will chat about your money journey and your life to see if you might benefit from money coaching. Check out all the info on the free session HERE.

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How God Used the Word LISTEN in my Personal Life and My 2021 OneWord365


Friends, tell me what your OneWord365 was for 2020?

What will your OneWord365 be for 2021?

How may I serve you in 2021? Don’t be shy…tell me. How may I serve you?








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