
Do you participate in the OneWord365 movement?

Let me share about it from the OneWord365 website:

One word you can focus on every day, all year long… One word that sums up who you want to be or how you want to live.


My OneWord365...What is Yours?


I have participated for the past several years. However, I do not just randomly pick a word. There is great intentionality and prayer that goes into it for me. This year I began asking the Lord in late September what He desired for my OneWord to be for 2019. Only He knows what 2019 holds for me and only in His Sovereignty can He assign me the word that will be perfect for me.

Here are a few of them from past years:

2012 – Trust

2013 – Jesus

2014 – God gave me 2 words – Loss and Others

2015 – Renew

2016 – Rest

2017 – Come

2018 – Christlikeness


Several words will usually bubble up and float around in my mind and heart at the beginning of praying into this. I will continue to pray and eventually He will pop the bubbles that are not His choice for me and leave one bubble floating in my heart. Then, I will ask Him to confirm it so that I know I am in His will. He has never been wrong yet. Duh!!!

This year was different. A single word floated to the top of my heart. I tried to convince Him that this could not be the word because it had been my word several years ago. He did not listen to me. He was adamant that it was my OneWord365 for 2019. In addition to giving me a OneWord, for the first time, He gave me a Bible verse that would accompany my word. Oh boy, 2019 must be gonna be a doozie of a year!!

Here is my OneWord for 2019 and the accompanying verse.

OneWord365 for 2019


Yep, ‘trust’ it is. Have mercy! That scares me half to death. What in the world will happen in 2019?

In fact, I know part of the reason why He chose ‘trust’ and Jeremiah 33:3 to be my focus for this year. I shared in THIS POST that I am currently training to be a certified Biblical Life Coach. I am definitely going to have to trust Him to equip me to be the very best life coach I can be because being a life coach requires me to change my way of relating to others….at least while I am coaching. For all of my ministry life I have been a speaker, teacher, and mentor…offering biblical wisdom and insight to others. I’ve had to take off those hats in order to wear a coaching hat, for coaches rarely advise people on what to do. Instead they listen intently and ask questions that prompt the client to ponder the issue on which they are working. A coach’s job is to help a client come up with the solution to their own problem. So, I need God to give me wisdom and insight into my clients, helping me listen well and ask great questions.

The other reason I can identify with His choice of word and verse is because I have a new writing project, about which I will share the details soon. I stand in desperate need of His guidance and words for that project. I have to trust Him to give me marvelous and wondrous things that I could never figure out on my own as I write. I know He will.

What about you, friend? Do you chose a OneWord365 each year? If so, I would love to hear what your word is for 2019 or tell me about a word from a previous year. Feel free to leave a comment below. Sweet blessings to you today.


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