HE-BREWS: A Better Blend

HE-BREWS: A Better Blend


Last week in our Hebrews study we examined the issue of coveting—the sin no one confesses. Let’s finish our thoughts on that topic today.

Let’s consider these two issues of idolatry and violence as they relate to covetousness or greed. I don’t think we will have too much trouble understanding this connection. When we long for or lust after something with an ungoverned desire, that thing or person becomes of prime importance to us. We think about it a lot. We actually elevate that thing or person in our minds and hearts as the longing and desire to acquire it increases. The basic definition of idolatry is worshipping something or someone other than God. When we elevate the object of our desire to the point of coveting, we have fallen into idolatry.

What about the association between violence and coveting? Once again, I don’t think it takes too much pondering to figure this out. We can use any one of several examples…money, drugs, sex, possessions, control. Once a person sets their heart on and begins to lust after an object or person, all too often they will go to extraordinary lengths to obtain the object of their desire. Anyone getting in their way could be in danger of violence or oppression. Now, most of us would not do bodily harm to another human being simply because we don’t get what we want. At least I hope we wouldn’t, but would we do harm to our heart and our relationship with God. Would we oppress, as it were, our Lord in our desire to have what we think we want? May I offer a personal example of this?

In 2007 God placed an unmistakable call to ministry on my life and heart. I answered the call and He began to open doors of opportunity for me to speak and write. Over the years I have had opportunities to speak to many wonderful women and girls at events all across the southeast. In addition, God has blessed my writing ministry with the opportunity to write and publish two Bible studies, as well as weekly and monthly devotionals on my blog and at other websites.

Occasionally, however, when ministry is quiet I have been guilty of allowing my focus to drift. I see another speaker speaking at more events or larger events and I begin to desire to be in a different place in ministry than where God has me. I see an author being blessed with a publishing contact for their work and I covet (oh yes, I said ‘covet’) a publishing contract for my work. Although I know my ministry belongs to God and all ministry has seasons of quiet, my ‘ungoverned, selfish desire’ is for more and bigger and better for me. I resent the blessing that God has showered on another and covet it for myself. Soon, my eyes and heart have oppressed Jesus and elevated as an idol the thing or position I desire for myself.

Thankfully, it is not long before the Holy Spirit smacks me upside the head and gets my attention in a big way. It usually goes something like this:

“For I know plans I have for you, Leah. They are plans for you personally. They may not look like the plans I have for so-and-so and you need to take your eyes off of what I am doing in her life. Redirect your gaze and your heart back to Jesus. Trust Him to give you the desires of your heart if those desires line up with His desire for your life.”

See how sneaky and oppressive covetousness is? You don’t even realize that your heart has unseated Jesus from His rightful throne and put something or someone else in His place. Friend, I urge you to ask the Lord to help you be aware of this issue of coveting in your life. It can happen to anyone and it may not always be about money, as you can see from my experience.

MEDITATION MOMENT: One of the signs of true faith and spiritual maturity is being able to discern the leading and voice of the Holy Spirit when we sin. Have you ever heard the Holy Spirit calling you out on this issue of coveting? Are you currently coveting anything or anyone? If so and you have not dealt with it by confessing it and turning away from it, you are living in sin and rebellion against God.


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