
Good morning!

I am pretty excited to tell you about an upcoming event. On Saturday, June 20th, our newest local coffee shop, Cabin Coffee Co. in Blairsville will host a HeBrews book signing event. When HeBrews: A Better Blend came out last July, I planned to do a local signing, then my Mother took a turn for the worst and passed away in November. The book signing just never happened. In fact, I completely forgot about planning it.

A few weeks ago the dots connected in my mind:

HeBrews: A Better Blend + new coffee shop in town = wonder if they would host a book signing?

Cabin Coffee Co. is owned by Wayne and Judy Jolly, who are totally delightful. I wandered into the store one day a few weeks before they even opened for business, introduced myself, and asked if they would be interested in hosting a book signing. The immediate answer was, “YES!!” I was thrilled.


Cabin Coffee final


On Saturday, June 20th, from 2pm until 4:30pm I will be at Cabin Coffee Co. on the square in Blairsville signing copies of HeBrews: A Better Blend and visiting with anyone who comes in. I will also have copies of From the Trash Pile to the Treasure Chest: Creating a Godly Legacy Bible study and When Words Won’t Come devotional book for sale, as well as the When Words Are Not Enough greeting cards.

If you are in Blairsville, it would be a joy to have you stop in, share a cup of coffee or tea, and purchase a copy of HeBrews for yourself or a friend. I hope to see you on June 20th.


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