


How many times have you read or quoted Isaiah 55:8-9? You may not recognize the address, but you almost certainly will recognize the words.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not my ways.” This is the Lord’s declaration. “For as heaven is higher than earth, so byways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (CSB)

These are the verses that pop into my mind every time I think about the HeBrews: A Better Blend Bible Study. 


When God's Plans are Different and Better Than My Plans


I know it makes no sense that verses from Isaiah would appear in my head concerning a Bible study about the book of Hebrews, but such is life. I never, not in a million years, planned to write a Bible study on the book of Hebrews. It is, arguably, one of the most theologically deep books in Holy Writ. Who am I to pour forth on the book of Hebrews? I have no theological training. I’m not a pastor, nor do I work at a church. I did stay at a Holiday Inn a few time! {smile}

God, however, had other plans than the ones that rumbled around in my head. And so I wrote a Bible study on the book of Hebrews.

Recently my wonderful publisher of HeBrews reached out to me and asked if I would be willing to write a blog post about the ways the Bible study is reaching people and pointing their gaze upward to Jesus.

Well, heck, yeah, I’ll write one!

So, today, I am linking to that post. In it I share a few quotes from folks who have done HeBrews: A Better Blend.

Go HERE to read the post.



NOTE: This post contains affiliate links.


Perhaps you are looking for an in-depth Bible study to do alone or with a group. I would love for you to consider HeBrews: A Better Blend. I’ve also written a couple of other studies that I’ll link for your consideration as well. Each study has been joy to write and they are all my favorites. (If you are reading this via email, you will need to go HERE to see the links below to my Bible studies.)

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