HE-BREWS: A Better Blend

HE-BREWS: A Better Blend

HeBrews: A Better Blend. Welcome back to another day of study where we find ourselves in chapter 13 of the magnificent book of Hebrews.

I had no intention of devoting an entire day of study to the topic of marriage. It is not a topic at which I would consider myself to be an expert. However, as I began reviewing chapter 13 of Hebrews, it became quickly evident that the Lord was directing me to talk about marriage today. I’ve begged Him to let me off the hook with this one, but He doesn’t seem inclined to do so. I considered throwing myself on the floor, crying loudly and flailing around like a fish. However, I know my God.  He will just wait for me to finish my fit and then say, “ok, now let’s get on with the work”. So, on I get.

The New King James Version states Hebrews 13: 4 in this way: “Marriage is honorable among all, and the marriage bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.” 88

I would submit to you that marriage has lost a lot of its honor in America and around the world today. Not because God has removed the honor, but because we (myself included) have not acted with honor toward marriage. Consider some data from the US Census Bureau’s website in 2009.

In 2008 approximately 2.2 million marriages took place. In the same year approximately 1 million people reported divorcing. This brings the divorce rate in the general population to almost 50% depending on which statistics you look at.

According to a Barna Group report released in 2009, 33% of Christians (evangelical and non-evangelical) have experienced at least one divorce. 89 The divorce rates climb higher for Christians and non-Christians when you consider subsequent marriages.

What about statistics on infidelity in marriage? These are very murky numbers because of the inaccuracy of reporting. While men are sometimes considered ‘studs’ if they cheat, women are considered to be loose or worse, so it stands to reason that men might over-report marital infidelity, while women might underreport. The General Social Survey (GSS) conducted by University of Chicago researchers is the best data out for marital infidelity. The data have stayed the same for almost 40 years…approximately 10 percent of married folks admit to cheating on their spouse.

Then there is the data on sex and young people, which really doesn’t cover the whole gamut of those having sex outside of/before marriage, but we have to start somewhere.  The Centers for Disease Control Youth Risk Surveillance – United States 2011 found that among US high school students (I’m going to say that is ages 14-18 years), 47.4% reported having ever had sex. 90

Did you get that? Almost 50% of high school age children have had sex. 33.7% report having had sex in the previous 3 months and 15.3% report having had sex with four or more people during their short little lives. Lord, Jesus help us!!

No, friends, marriage is not considered to be honorable by a large portion of our population. We shake our heads at our children having sex before marriage, but so many parents are not doing any better. Divorces, affairs, and children being raised by parents who are not married but living together. It stands to reason that kids are only doing what they see the adults in our society do. Monkey see, monkey do.

Now, before someone who knows me writes me a letter proclaiming me to be a hypocrite, I’ll go ahead and tell you that I have walked much of the road we are discussing, so I am not pointing a finger at anyone without having three fingers point back at me. Poor, poor decisions on my part. None of it was God’s plan for me. All of it had painful consequences attached. I have deep regrets over it, but I also live today in the forgiveness and cleansing of Jesus Christ who, at my confession and repentance, wiped the slate clean for me. Praise His Merciful Name!!

So, how do we restore honor to marriage? That is the question on the table. How do we allow our faith in Jesus Christ to help us keep our marriage covenants and our purity outside of marriage? We will finish this discussion next week.

MEDITATION MOMENT: What are some secrets to a successful marriage that you have observed in your own marriage or that of others? Share them here.

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