
HeBrews: A Better Blend


UPDATE: The winners of my giveaway from last week are Tracy and Lee. Congratulations ladies. Your books will be on the way to you this week.


Never give up. Even though you mess up, never give up. Keep on keeping on in the faith race. It will be hard. There will be times of discouragement. There will be people who tell you it is not worth it. Never give up! Never give up!! Never, never, never give up!!! That was last week’s tip from Hebrews 12: 1 for a well run faith journey.

This brings us to the final portion of the cure for spiritual ADHD which is found in Hebrews 12:2.

 We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish. He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy he knew would be his afterward. Now he is seated in the place of highest honor beside God’s throne in heaven. (NLT) 

Keep your eyes on Jesus!!

Oh my, there are so many illustrations for this point. I’m going with horses. Blinders are placed on horses to keep them focused on what is in front of them. Without the blinders, they get distracted by the things going on to the side and behind them. They lose their focus. Hebrews 12: 2 encourages us to place blinders around our spiritual eyes so that all we can focus on is Jesus. We need to look straight ahead at Jesus.

Consider what would have happened if Jesus had gotten distracted from His mission of salvation. There were a thousand things that could have distracted Him:

  • His family – the pain His mother suffered at His crucifixion.
  • His disciples – they might not be ready for me to leave. What if they are not prepared to carry on my work?
  • The sick and demon possessed – there were always more to be healed.
  • The unsaved – there were always more He could interact with.
  • His own physical fatigue – there were probably many times He just wanted to get away and rest
  • The glory of being a political king – the Jews were ready and eager for Him to establish an earthly, political reign
  • The pain of crucifixion and death – it was a horrendously awful way to die

Do you see what I mean? Any one of these things could have easily distracted the human side of Christ from His mission. Yet, He fixed His eyes on the prize at the end and did not allow Himself to become distracted.

Each of us who calls themselves a Christian has a faith mission during our time on this spinning globe. Our mission is to make Jesus known. How easy it is to become distracted and veer off course! I’ve done it and I’d bet you have too. Now is the time; today is the day to commit to fixing our eyes on Jesus and staying the course of faith. Will you? Only you can make that decision.

MEDITATION MOMENT: I want to end today with a question…or two. I’m asking you to make these a matter of prayer and reflection between you and God.

  • Are you faithfully walking out your mission of making Jesus known to those who circle around your life?
  • When is the last time you shared what Jesus has done in your life with someone else?
  • What obstacles and distractions are hindering you from your faith mission?
  • Are you willing to fix your eyes squarely on Jesus and get rid of the distractions and hindrances so you can do what you were placed here to do?
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