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Feeling like a new mother holding my HeBrews 'baby' for the first time!

Feeling like a new mother holding my HeBrews ‘baby’ for the first time!

HeBrews: A Better Blend Bible Study Recipe Updates   I have discovered two errors in the recipes that were provided in the Bible study. Please accept my apologies. Here are the corrections:

  • Week One Recipe ~ Cream Cheese Pound Cake – Page 1 – The butter measurement should be ¾ POUND (3 sticks)


  • Week Three Recipe ~ Barbara’s Chocolate Sheet Cake – Page 53 – The cooking directions are actually those of the cream cheese pound cake. I have no idea how this happened. The CORRECT directions are as follows:

Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees F. Melt margarine, water, cocoa, and shortening in sauce pan. Place sugar and flour in mixer, and add the melted ingredients. Mix well. Add buttermilk, vanilla, soda and beaten eggs to ingredients in mixer and beat well. Grease and flour a large sheet pan. Pour batter into sheet pan. Bake for 20 minutes. Leave in pan to frost and serve.


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Feeling like a new mother holding my HeBrews 'baby' for the first time!
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