

Today’s Heart Notes Scripture is one that most of us should tattoo on our foreheads or the back of our hands. It’s THAT important. Before we get to it, however, I  want to be sure you have the September Heart Notes FREE printable. If not, here it is. Grab and go!


Photo courtesy of Death to Stock



What are you passionate about? What lights your fire? What consumes your days…and nights?

Sports? Money? Fashion? Jesus? Your kids? Grandkids? A hobby? A social cause? An addiction? Gardening? Reading? Music?

Be honest. The question is important for all of us to answer. Why? Because whatever you and I are passionate about, is what we give our hearts to. And the thing, or person, or cause to which we give our hearts, determines the choices we make in life.

Few of the things I listed above are inherently bad. However, only one of the things is where we should be setting up camp for our hearts. Jesus.

Consider the words of the psalmist:


Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)


He warns us to guard our heart; to make sure our heart is focused on the main thing. When our hearts are set on, or consumed by, anything or anyone other than Jesus, we are ripe for making poor choices, and reaping poor consequences. Anything that our hearts are consumed by, other than Jesus, becomes a false god, an idol.

So, today, I encourage you to set a guard around your heart, keep your eyes on Jesus, make decisions and choices consistent with God’s Word. When you do, that which springs from your life will honor and glorify the Lord.

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