
Photo courtesy of Death to Stock


Hello and welcome to our September Heart Notes post. Today I offer you a new FREE printable with our September Scriptures on it. You may download and print this FREE offering to use as a visual reminder of the verses we are meditating on and memorizing this month. I pray it will be a blessing to you. Please feel free to print out a few and pass them on to friends and family.



That word describes me in more seasons of my life than I care to count.

Faith-less. Without faith. Doubting. Believing not.

I have believed not.

I believed not every time I made a choice that was completely opposite to what I knew God said I should do.

I believed not every time I used words that would make a sailor blush.

I believed not every time I tried to figure life out on my own.

I believed not every time I tried to control a situation. (And I tried often! And all the people said, ‘Amen’.)

I believed not every time I dressed immodestly.

I believed not every time I showed up at church just so I could say I had gone.

I believed not every time I said I didn’t have time to read the Bible.

I believed not.

That isn’t real news, though. The real news, the good news, is that when I was faithless, when I believed not, GOD WAS ALWAYS FAITHFUL.

GOD IS ALWAYS FAITHFUL! God never gives up, He never turns loose, He never walks out, He never leaves us. When we are lower than a snake’s belly, God is right where He has always been. We may not be able to feel Him or see Him, but He is there with us. Why? Because He is faithful.

What is going on in your life that begs a reminder of God’s faithfulness?  Here’s your reminder.

….if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny himself. 2 Timothy 2:13 (ESV)

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