
Me, me, me!


Look at me!


It’s all about me!


These are the voices that shout at us. Our culture tells us to go big, or go home. To make sure we get our name out there. To build a platform for ourselves. To be seen and heard.

Honestly, this building a name for self is something with which I have struggled. God called me into ministry, and ministry usually requires people with a need. God gave me words to write into Bible studies and blog posts, and those words need to be read by others. God gifted me to speak, and speaking requires an audience receptive to the message.

I get all that, but what must be remembered is that God needs to be the one to promote us; to promote our writing and our speaking. We need to allow God to place us where He wants us. We need to let other people speak, as prompted by God, of our giftings. Bragging on ourselves is, well, obnoxious and distasteful.

With that said, we must understand that God may give us the green light to talk about our writing and speaking publicly. If so, step into it. Earlier in the summer, when my new Bible study, HeBrews: A Better Blend, launched, I had asked God to show me if, how, when, and where He wanted me to talk about it. He was faithful to guide me, and I believe I was faithful to share about it according to His plan.

Today’s Heart Notes verse reminds us of this idea.


Let another man praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips. Proverbs 27:2 (NKJV)


I’m reminded of something Charles Swindoll said about this issue that brought me to my knees several years ago.


“Humble yourself. Rather than racing into the limelight, we need to accept our role in the shadows. I’m serious here. Don’t promote yourself. Don’t push yourself to the front. Don’t drop hints. Let someone else do that. Better yet, let God do that. If you’re great, trust me, the word will get out. You’ll be found…in God’s time. If you’re necessary for the plan, God will put you in the right place at just the precise time. God’s work is not about us; it’s His production, start to finish. So back off. Let Him pull the curtains and turn on the stage lights.”  ~~ Charles Swindoll from Great Days with Great Lives


I’ve tried to remember these words and let them be my guiding light in the promotion of my ministry and my products. I’ve failed at times. I’ve been proud and pushy. But, I’m thankful that God offers forgiveness and new mercies.

It’s a fine line we, in ministry, walk. Every day I pray that I will walk it well, and in humility; allowing God to position me where He desires for me to serve.


If you still need the August FREE printable, here is the link to it.


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