
I’m back. As you know, last week I took a break from the Heart Notes posts to celebrate my BIG birthday. I lived through turning ‘50’ and now am ready to finish June strong with our final two Heart Notes Scriptures. Join me, please.

Oh by the way, if you haven’t downloaded and printed the June Heart Notes FREE printable, here it is. Hope it is a blessing to you.




He must become greater; I must become less. John 3:30 (NIV)


It is a difficult obedience for me…this becoming less, while allowing Jesus to become greater. You, too?

Both of us can’t be great…Jesus and me. It has to be one or the other, and the choice I make determines my entire relationship with Jesus. If I choose for Leah to be great, then Jesus has to take a backseat to ME. That is never a good outcome. In my own strength and so-called wisdom, I make poor choices, allow hurtful words to come out of my mouth, and give reign to destructive thoughts and habits. When Leah is great, it is all about Leah.

It’s in our genes, its how we are wired….for us to be great. We all long to be noticed, to be important, to be special, to be the one with hundreds of Facebook friends, Twitter followers, blog posts commenters, and parent of the year awards. Our desire is to be known…by someone, anyone, lots of people, that special person. It is a hunger that is never fully satisfied when we seek fulfillment outside of Jesus.

But, when we choose to become less, and allow Jesus to become greater, we lay down that desire to be the biggest, brightest, best, and most well known. Now, I’m not saying that Jesus will not allow us to have boatloads of Facebook friends, Twitter followers, blog post commenters, best selling books, and mom of the year awards. He just might, but only if we allow Him to shine through us. It is in that sacrifice of self in favor of lifting up Jesus, that we find true and complete satisfaction.

So, in your relationship with Jesus, who is becoming less and who is becoming greater? 

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