

The month of May causes most hearts to turn toward summer, vacation, and lazy days. As spring turns to summer, I want us to continue to focus on hearing from Jesus through His Word. To that end, I offer you the FREE May printable with four wonderful HEART NOTES Bible verses on it. I hope you will download, print it, and use it to cement these verses in your heart. Click the picture below to get the FREE May printable.


Photo courtesy of Death to the Stock Photo

Today’s Heart Notes Scripture is one that I know very well. Several years ago, this verse became one that I used in my personal prayer time. It is the cry of my heart, because my heart can be desperately wicked. Allow me to share it with you.

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10 (KJV)


May I ponder aloud about this verse for a moment?

“Create in me a clean heart…”  In this Psalm, we find King David crying out to God for forgiveness of sin, and cleansing of his heart. He had just been outted by the prophet Nathan over his sin with Bathsheba. He knew that his heart was desperately wicked, and greatly in need of cleansing. He is begging God to clean out his heart, because he is well aware that his heart cannot be cleaned in any other way.

So it is with my heart and yours. There is nothing you and I can do to change our own hearts. We might try, and try harder, but the heart of the human problem is the problem of the human heart. Only when we submit our hearts in total repentance and humility to the cleansing work of the Holy Spirit will we experience A clean heart; a heart committed to wholehearted obedience to God.

I want a heart totally committed to following Jesus, and I hope you do too. To that end, most every day my prayers include a plea to the Holy Spirit to ‘create in me a clean heart.’ I will warn you….this is a prayer that God will answer, and the answer may not always be comfortable. The Holy Spirit will tap, tap, tap on your heart until you are forced to deal with your sin. Take my advice and deal with it quickly, so you don’t have to endure the correction of God.

Practice with me now asking God to clean out your heart.

“Create in me a clean heart, O God.”

Say it again…and this time mean it with your whole heart.

“Create in ME a clean heart, O God.”


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