

Welcome to Heart Notes! Did you download and print the FREE April flyer with this month’s verses on it? If not, here it is. Simply click on the picture of the flyer and print it. I hope it reminds you throughout the month to focus on God’s Word.



Yesterday was Palm Sunday, the day Jesus entered Jerusalem on His way to the cross. During this very week, almost 2000 years ago, many things would happen. Jesus and His closest friends would partake of a meal that would become symbolic of the death of Christ for ages to come. Our Lord would be betrayed by a kiss from one of His close friends. He would be arrested and tried in court of mockery. Ultimately, Jesus, the Son of God, would be hanged on a Roman cross, paying the penalty that you and I owed for the sin that we are soaked in from the moment of our birth. After three days in the grave, Jesus would be dead no more. He would overcome death and the grave, and appear to many people in the next days and weeks. Hallelujah!

Today, however, I want to focus on one scene from Holy Week; a scene where Peter was the main character, but it could have just as easily been me….or you. It is that moment in the court at Caiphas’ home where Peter denies knowing Jesus. Peter, one of Jesus’ BFFs, who had seen every moment and every miracle of Jesus’ ministry.

“No, I do not know that man.”


Not once. Not twice. But, three times Peter denied Jesus.

We scoff at Peter, thinking that we would have been different; that we would have made different choices. But, would we? Really, would we?

Peter’s denial of Jesus is something that I think of often. How many times have I denied Jesus in my life? How often did I fail to witness about the saving power of Jesus to someone with no hope for eternity? How many times have I passed by a person in need, failing to show the love of Jesus to them? How many times have my words welled up and poured forth from the pit of hell, rather than from the overflow of the Holy Spirit within my heart?

How often? More often than I care to admit. Are you smelling what I’m stepping in?

For the past year or so, Romans 1:16 has been emblazoned on my heart. I want it to be my mantra. I want it to be the impetus for my actions. I want it to be the reason for the ministry I do. Flitter, if I were a tattoo-wearing kind of girl, I would likely have it tattooed on my body somewhere.  Consider it with me:

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. Romans 1:16 (NKJV)

Will you join me today in stepping out boldly for Jesus? It could be the difference between heaven and hell for those we come in contact with.




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