

Here we are in November, friends. Can you believe it? We have walked in the Word through Heart Notes for ten months, seeking to plant God’s love letter in our hearts. We only have two more months~~eight more Scriptures~~to plant, and then our time together will be finished.

Today, I offer you the FREE November printable. My hope is that these printables have been an encouragement and blessing to you. Click the link below to download and print the November printable.


Photo courtesy of Death to Stock


Today’s Heart Notes verse is from the book of wisdom, Proverbs. If I asked for a show of hands, I bet the majority of you could quote this one from memory already. That’s great, but let’s not allow familiarity to rob us of hearing from the Lord today.


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)


While these verses may roll off the tongue pretty easily, I am witness to the fact that the walking out of them is much more difficult.


  • Trust in the Lord
  • Trust NOT in self
  • Acknowledge Him in EVERYTHING
  • Receive His direction


All too often we want to go straight to the last part of this verse. We want to receive His direction, but we also want to trust in ourselves to work out that direction. Really, what we so often want is to plan out the plan, and then ask God to bless it!!

Oops, did I say that? Yes, I did. The prideful heart that lies hidden within each of us…. (don’t you go getting all spiritual on me and try to make me believe you don’t have pride lurking somewhere in your heart). Our prideful hearts, my prideful heart, wants to be in control, large and in charge. We want to say ‘this is how I think it should go, and I’d like God to bless my plans.

Not how it works, friend. God says we must place absolute trust in Him. We must forsake our plans and desires, and acknowledge that He is in charge in every situation in life. The white flag of surrender must be raised over our hearts. Only when we humble ourselves in that way will He direct our paths

So, which of the steps in these verses are most difficult for you. Trust in the Lord? Trust NOT in self? Acknowledge Him in everything? Receive His direction? I’d love to hear from you.

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