

Welcome to Heart Notes. Today’s Scripture is probably a familiar one to most readers. It is one that I love and rely on often in my walk through this world. I hope after today you will love it, too, and commit it to memory.

Did you download and print the January printable? If not, go here to get it. I hope you have found it helpful in meditating on this month’s verses.


For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

I’m a planner. I like to make a plan, and work my plan. It helps me stay organized, and feel accomplished. I’m also a list maker, which is important in planning.

Apparently, God is a planner, as well. This verse says He knows the PLANS He has for us. God did not say, “Gosh, I think Blairsville, Georgia might be a good place for Leah to be born.” No, he planned for me to be born in Blairsville, Georgia. He planned for Wayne and Barbara Colwell to be my parents. He planned for Greg to be my husband. He planned for me to work in the Emory Lipid Clinic. He planned for me to be in ministry, and to fall in love with college students from Young Harris College. None of it was random. It was all in His plans. Viewing my life in hindsight has provided evidence of God’s marvelous and mysterious plans being worked out for my good and His glory. His plans for me continue to be worked out.

God has plans for your life, too. He planned where you would be born, and who your parents would be. He planned what your profession would be, and where you would live. He planned abundant joys for you.

Did you know that He even has plans for the mistakes we make in our lives? I’m not saying that GOD planned our mistakes. No! He is perfect and He doesn’t make mistakes. We, however, do make mistakes. Yet, He is able to take those mistakes and work them out for our good. I don’t completely understand how He works all things out for the good of those who love Him, I just know He has done it over and over in my life.

One example is the Legacy Bible study I wrote in 2010. It is chock full of stories of poor choices I made over the course of my early adult life. However, God used those poor choices, and the consequences that accompanied them, to birth the Legacy Bible study. As I learn from my mistakes, God uses that to help other people make better choices.

God has plans for you and for me. His plans are for our good. They may seem less than good when we are walking through them, but we can trust that He is always working His plan for our good.

Meditation Moment: How have you seen God’s plans being worked out in your life? 

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